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romotional Bidding - All bidding strategies

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 3:16 am
by fathema001
For example, if you plan to use a Brand Awareness objective and a Reach optimization objective, you can only use the Maximum Impression bidding strategy. These options do not have cost caps or manual bidding. But if you shift your optimization goal to impressions, you can use any of the three available bidding strategies. As of this writing, the table above outlines exactly which strategies can be used for which purposes.

This is true even if some documents look different. The white paper namibia Phone Number Library states that specifically for the purpose of advertising lead generation, cost caps are not available. However, if you simply visit the cost cap page or test it on your account, you will see it available. Before you decide which campaign objectives and optimization objectives to use, make sure you also have access to the correct permissions. The bidding strategy you plan to use.


How to charge per bidding strategy per ad The last bidding strategies column in the image above will tell you how much each bidding strategy costs based on your campaign goals and optimization goals. If you're serious about click-through impressions or another benchmark, make sure the bidding strategy you choose reflects that preference. The campaign is working well. P table ranges, strategy charts and bid ranges for manual bidding can be noted in my review above. All images regarding cost caps and manual bidding strategies are taken from a live customer account.