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Making those ill-informed, spur-of-the-moment marketing decisions

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 9:27 am
by jobaidur2228
Trying Will Make You an API
Room 1 - 14.00 - 14.55

Tim Stewart , Owner - trsdigital Ltd

Digital Marketing is full of data points and data sources that Digital Marketers need to consider and moreover present to stakeholders in a simple and understandable way. This is a complex task because you cannot look at data sets in isolation, instead you are considering the combined impact of the offer, marketing and consumer experience. You need to make sure that you are using all the available data to be able to plan when optimizing conversions. However, there is always a time constraint when working to optimize conversions as data analysis is a time-consuming process. The value you can provide depends on the effectiveness of the testing you will be conducting.

I'll walk you through it step by step, so you'll leave UnGagged with ideas and tools you can try on your own, and you'll also have a better understanding of:

How to create a reporting stack for beginner, intermediate and more advanced setups
How to get started with basic analysis reports and setup considerations for testing
How are testing opportunities identified at each level?
The Problem with Purchasing: Converting Cost to Cash
Room 2 - 14:00 - 14:55

Jill Quick , Co-Founder - The Coloring in Department

Don't you hate it when you go into Google Analytics spain telephone number data zoom into Acquisition > Omnichannel, and make decisions based on what you see, only to realize everything is wrong?

allocating your budgets, etc., only to realize that everything is a mess and you have to spend more time wiping the tears from your keyboard.

Good news for those of you heading over to UnGagged (high five ), I'll be giving a talk about how I spent years playing around with reports. The right way, the wrong way, and everything in between:

Watch my talk and learn:


How Google Analytics actually defines your marketing channels and how you can make mistakes in channel definitions
How to play with your settings and some important things outside of Google's default setup. (Spoiler alert, you need to do this, especially if you use paid social media)
Gain an analytics superpower by pulling non-Google product data (e.g. not AdWords) into your account
Consumer not Customer, Value not Revenue, Actions not Numbers
Room 1 - 15:00 - 16:10

Russell McAthy , CEO - CUBED Attribution

In this talk, Russell from CUBED Attribution will show you how to shift your mindset from customer to consumer to look at the visits that don’t convert. Then, instead of just chasing revenue, you need to look at real ROI and value. Finally, how you drive action instead of just providing numbers that fill a meaningless dashboard.

The finale will show you the future of Lifetime Value... The Future of Customer Value (TM) - Russell believes we all need to move forward.

You should come to my talk because

There will be examples from all the major marketing channels for you to take back to your office and show you how you need to change the way you manage your marketing activities.
There will be so much energy - you won't fall asleep during this event!
You will leave with revised and/or refined ideas about the way you do your attribution and marketing.
So many great speakers, so little time... You can see the full list of UnGagged speakers here .

Be sure to stop by and say hello between talks - come find us at AccuRanker's booth - enter our Conference Challenge, check out our system, chat with the team!

We look forward to seeing you in London!

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