THE MODERN B2B BUYER PURCHASING PROCESS: Analogue and Digital Integration
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 6:24 am
Pretend for a moment that I'm your marketing director.
You just asked me for a great idea to increase leads and sales for your business, and this is my answer:
“I think, I think, and I think again… and voilà! I’m here, I seriously think we should invest our entire marketing budget in fax advertising.”
You'd probably think I've lost all my marbles... and you'd be right to!
In the 1980s and 1990s, however, afghanistan phone number library it was a common marketing strategy to send mass advertising via fax, similar to today's mass email marketing campaigns.
They worked. They were a good marketing strategy because everyone had a fax machine and used it every day.
But now?
Most of the new generations (Gen -Z) don't even know what a fax is.
Now let's ask ourselves the real fundamental question:
Rightly, no one uses FAX anymore within their B2B marketing strategy, so I ask you, why don't we use the same common sense when we talk about the purchasing cycle of a Potential B2B customer/buyer, still relying on old behavioral patterns?
The BEHAVIOUR of B2B CONSUMERS/BUYERS has TOTALLY CHANGED and with it also their (Digital) B2B purchasing path.

Below, I will introduce you to the modern model of a B2B Buyer's purchasing process and the new online marketing funnel you can use.
Everything we will see is the basis of the B2B (Digital) MARKETING STRATEGY.
I have broken down each stage of the purchasing “journey” and provided marketing strategies and tactics that work for each stage.
Digital Marketing Phases and Strategies for B2B Buyer Acquisition:
The stages of the new B2B marketing funnel (purchasing process)
The Best B2B Digital Marketing Strategy Model Ever
Top of the Funnel Digital Marketing Strategies: The “SEE (Explore)” Audience
Mid-Funnel Digital Marketing Strategies: The “THINK” Audience
SEO for B2B Companies (for the intermediate stage of the purchasing process)
B2B Video Marketing
PPC Ads & Paid Search for B2B Businesses
B2b email marketing strategy – marketing automation
B2B Marketing Strategies for the Final Stage of the Buying Cycle
The Final Stage of the B2B Buyer's Journey: Loyalty Strategy
You will also find real-world examples and practical advice.
The goal is to give you a comprehensive understanding of the new B2B prospect buying process so you can implement strategies ideas to your target market.
The stages of the new B2B marketing funnel (purchasing process)
[ back to index ]
The definition of Funnel applied to B2B is rather vague and oversimplified, it is actually used at a graphic level to help understand and follow the various phases that B2B buyers go through throughout their purchasing cycle.
Traditionally, before the advent of the internet, it was a rather linear journey where B2B Buyers go through the various steps in a more predictable way (not having information and companies just a click away at any time), and it resembled this classic figure:
You just asked me for a great idea to increase leads and sales for your business, and this is my answer:
“I think, I think, and I think again… and voilà! I’m here, I seriously think we should invest our entire marketing budget in fax advertising.”
You'd probably think I've lost all my marbles... and you'd be right to!
In the 1980s and 1990s, however, afghanistan phone number library it was a common marketing strategy to send mass advertising via fax, similar to today's mass email marketing campaigns.
They worked. They were a good marketing strategy because everyone had a fax machine and used it every day.
But now?
Most of the new generations (Gen -Z) don't even know what a fax is.
Now let's ask ourselves the real fundamental question:
Rightly, no one uses FAX anymore within their B2B marketing strategy, so I ask you, why don't we use the same common sense when we talk about the purchasing cycle of a Potential B2B customer/buyer, still relying on old behavioral patterns?
The BEHAVIOUR of B2B CONSUMERS/BUYERS has TOTALLY CHANGED and with it also their (Digital) B2B purchasing path.

Below, I will introduce you to the modern model of a B2B Buyer's purchasing process and the new online marketing funnel you can use.
Everything we will see is the basis of the B2B (Digital) MARKETING STRATEGY.
I have broken down each stage of the purchasing “journey” and provided marketing strategies and tactics that work for each stage.
Digital Marketing Phases and Strategies for B2B Buyer Acquisition:
The stages of the new B2B marketing funnel (purchasing process)
The Best B2B Digital Marketing Strategy Model Ever
Top of the Funnel Digital Marketing Strategies: The “SEE (Explore)” Audience
Mid-Funnel Digital Marketing Strategies: The “THINK” Audience
SEO for B2B Companies (for the intermediate stage of the purchasing process)
B2B Video Marketing
PPC Ads & Paid Search for B2B Businesses
B2b email marketing strategy – marketing automation
B2B Marketing Strategies for the Final Stage of the Buying Cycle
The Final Stage of the B2B Buyer's Journey: Loyalty Strategy
You will also find real-world examples and practical advice.
The goal is to give you a comprehensive understanding of the new B2B prospect buying process so you can implement strategies ideas to your target market.
The stages of the new B2B marketing funnel (purchasing process)
[ back to index ]
The definition of Funnel applied to B2B is rather vague and oversimplified, it is actually used at a graphic level to help understand and follow the various phases that B2B buyers go through throughout their purchasing cycle.
Traditionally, before the advent of the internet, it was a rather linear journey where B2B Buyers go through the various steps in a more predictable way (not having information and companies just a click away at any time), and it resembled this classic figure: