SEO strategy: why is your site not ranking on Google?

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SEO strategy: why is your site not ranking on Google?

Post by aktAkterSabiha10 »

Defining an effective SEO strategy is essential to avoid disappearing in the sea of ​​sites that make up the Internet. Unfortunately, the competition for the top positions is fierce, and understanding how to stand out from the crowd can be complicated.

But don't worry: just a few precautions are enough to start climbing to the top of the SERP . So let's try to understand together what are the critical elements to ensure that a site is well positioned on Google.

Content is King: The Heart of SEO Strategy
Google's goal is to help customers find the information they are looking for on the Internet. For this reason, the search engine rewards pages that prove to be useful to visitors. The first step to improve your SEO strategy is therefore to work on the content of your site. Make sure you answer your visitors' questions and give them useful information. Your readers should read the page and think "wow, this is exactly the solution to my problem!" In this way, your site will gradually establish itself as an authoritative source, and Google will tend to show it more and more often in the search results. In short, SEO copywriting cannot be missing from france telegram data your positioning strategy.

A pleasant text
In addition to being useful, content should be easy to understand and enjoyable to read . Avoid sentences that are too long, and be sure to break up text into paragraphs with subheadings. Images can also help: in addition to making the page more aesthetically pleasing, these contents are often clearer than written texts. After all, the saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" has become famous for a reason.


The face of SEO strategy
What is the first thing you notice when you see a book? The title, of course. The same process happens when a customer reads Google search results. Your page title is the first thing potential visitors will see , and it should be optimized accordingly. Make sure it includes your target keyword and is no longer than 60 characters, to avoid being cut off. If possible, include a catchy Call to Action, so as to attract the customer's attention.

If the title is the first thing the reader sees, the "meta description" is the second. This is the text that appears under the URL in the search results. Google allows a limit of about 160 characters before cutting it off, so you have more wiggle room than the title. Use this opportunity to reiterate your Call to Action, and let the user know that you have the exact solution to their problem.
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