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By the fifteenth time your subscribers

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 6:36 am
by mdraufkh.andaker
6 tips to increase email engagementBehind-the-scenes work with list hygiene and deliverability is only the beginning when it comes to increasing your engagement. The best way to increase your email engagement is to send great emails your subscribers love. Here are a few ways to do that1. Start with your subject line and preheader textOpens are the first step toward engaging with your email. You can’t get a click without an open, after all. Your subject line is what can make or break that attempt. In fact, 47% of email users report that the email subject line determines whether or not they choose to open your email.

You want your subject lines to beSuccinct Most mailbox providers cut senegal email list 60000 contact leads off your subject line around 50 characters Gmail goes up to 70. While that doesn’t mean you have to make your subject line fit within those parameters, it should at least get the point across.Honest Never, ever fake out your subscribers to get an open. It’s a lazy move and one that will likely end in unsubscribing or a spam complaint. Your subject line is like the headline of a news article—it should reflect the contents inside. No bait and switch. Like the villages in "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", your subscribers will stop listening.


Free of sensationalism have received an email subject line that says, “LAST CHANCE!!!” You might as well be screaming, “PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE OPEN MY EMAIL!!!” There’s nothing wrong with a few choice all-caps or exclamation points. Just don't be a subject line drama queen.Interesting That said, there’s nothing wrong with puns, emojis, or other playful turns of phrase if that fits your brand. An interesting subject helps you stand out in a crowded inbox. Use it to generate curiosity and tease what's inside without giving it all away.Subject lines are great candidates for AB testing to see what resonates the most with your subscribers.