What to do if you get a “Requested entity was not found” error after clicking the GMass button

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What to do if you get a “Requested entity was not found” error after clicking the GMass button

Post by batasakas »

Occasionally, after you’ve composed your mail merge campaign in Gmail and hit the GMass button, instead of sending, you may receive this error in the yellow status bar up top:

Your mass email has NOT been processed by GMass. Error details: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError Requested entity was not found. [404] Errors [ Message[Requested entity was not found.] Location[ – ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]

This is a temporary and rare error that sometimes surfaces due to how GMass communicates with your Gmail account. Technically it means that GMass wasn’t able to retrieve an identifier to your message that is assigned by Gmail.
In almost all cases, this error will disappear and you can el salvador phone number library send your campaign by re-loading Gmail in your Chrome browser. When you do so, your Compose window should re-appear with your Message just as you left it. You will not lose any of your work. After you re-load, just hit the GMass button again and your campaign should send as normal.
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Ajay Goel

anuary 23, 2017 at 5:54 am
We tried to restart PC, but still appear the same error message.

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