What impact does the Gmail Promotions tab have on our Email Marketing?

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What impact does the Gmail Promotions tab have on our Email Marketing?

Post by messi66 »

Gmail tabs are the different categories that Gmail has to organize all the emails that users of the accounts receive. These emails are classified according to their content so that all users can receive all emails in an organized manner.

Promotions tab gmail
The tabs with the highest volume of emails are the following:

Main . This is the tab that receives the most emails. In it, we usually find all those that we consider most important.

Promotions . In this tab we usually find all the promotional emails from brands.

Social . Here we find all the emails mainly related to social networks.

promotions tab gmail
A few years ago, different tabs began to appear in users' inboxes, automatically organizing the emails they received. This change was not well received within the Email Marketing sector, as various reports appeared that linked the loss of subscribers' openings with the appearance of the tabs.

In this post, we will specifically talk about the promotions tab and learn about its advantages, along with all the problems it has had during the time it has been operating in the inboxes of Gmail accounts.

Can you trick Gmail's algorithm into appearing in the main tab?
As we have said before, when email tabs first sri lanka business email list came about, email openings were affected , and as a result, the problem was linked to tabs. From that point on, many brands began to apply different strategies with the aim of avoiding this classification that Gmail automatically made in order to appear in the main tab of their users.

One of the solutions they found was to trick the algorithm that is responsible for organizing emails so that it would place their emails in the main tab.


However, Gmail has been evolving and improving its AI to prevent this from happening. It is very important to understand that other groups, such as spammers and phishers , have been trying to trick Gmail by changing the algorithms for some time now with the same goal of appearing in users' main tabs. Therefore, using the same technique as these groups will only cause problems for your deliveries , since Gmail punishes brands that engage in manipulative SEO tactics.

promotions tab gmail phishing
In this screenshot, we can see how Gmail is currently constantly integrating new actions to combat phishing and other techniques that people use to trick Gmail's placement algorithms.

Is the promotions tab interpreted as spam by users?
Thinking that the promotions tab is comparable to spam is a mistake. In the end, as we have said before, the different tabs only serve to help Gmail users classify their emails by category. In addition, all tabs are considered an inbox, and therefore, this is very far from what the spam folder is.

That is, an email that arrives in the promotions tab will have a much better impact than an email that arrives in the spam folder.

What are the benefits of Gmail tabs?
The most notable advantages of Gmail tabs are the following:

– User convenience . From a user perspective, tabs have been very well received because they allow users to sort emails by topic, which helps them to be more comfortable and familiar with how the inbox works.

– Content-based ranking . Your content will be more popular if it appears where users would look for it if they wanted to find it. So, if they are looking for discounts from your brand, it will help them if your emails appear in the promotions tab.

– Purchase intent . When users decide to spend time within the promotions tab, it is probably because they are in a situation where they want to make a purchase.

difference between promotions tab and spam folder
In short, if Gmail tabs were initially responsible for users not opening emails, it has been proven, after having learned to live with them, that they can even help brands achieve more sales.

In the end, the most important thing is that your subscribers find your emails where they expect you to be . For example, if your brand is offering a promotion, the user who is in that tab will probably be interested in that type of content, and therefore, you will have a better chance of them opening your email and fulfilling your objective. On the other hand, appearing in the main tab might mean more views, that's true, but it would probably mean being more intrusive and less welcome.
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