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Globally Shared Unsubscribes and Bounces Across Domains and Teams

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 3:44 am
by batasakas
If you send an email that bounces or have someone unsubscribe, you (almost certainly) don’t want other people on your team continuing to send them messages.

That’s when GMass’s globally shared unsubscribes and bounces come into play.

When you turn on global unsubscribes and/or global hong kong phone number resource bounces in your account, GMass won’t send emails (aka GMass will “suppress” emails) to addresses that have unsubscribed/bounced from other people at the same email sending domain and on your Team plan.

The best way to illustrate this is with an example…

How Global Unsubscribes and Global Bounces Work in GMass
Let’s say your organization has the following five users:


All five are using GMass, and some members of the company might be emailing the m both send emails to leads and therefore sometimes send to recipients in common with each other.

Normally, if a recipient unsubscribes from he recipient coul

But with the Global Unsubscribe feature, the recipient would not receive emails fro “Use Global Unsubscribes” for his account, GMass will suppress emails he sends to address lists of everyone else in the organization.