No More Fear: Preview your emails as Drafts, then send them with one click

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No More Fear: Preview your emails as Drafts, then send them with one click

Post by batasakas »

We just eliminated the fear of sending an email marketing campaign.

Afraid that personalization won’t work? Afraid your tracked links won’t work? Afraid the unsubscribe link won’t work? Afraid the images won’t show? Fear no more!

We just launched a new capability that allows you to create all hungary phone number resource of your emails as Drafts first, and then after you’ve reviewed them to make sure they look okay, you can send them with one click.

How to use
GMass has always had the ability to Just create Drafts rather than send actual emails. The setting is in the settings box next to the main GMass button:


Until now, however, there was no way to do anything with those Drafts. You could open up each Draft and hit the Send button manually, but that is a time-consuming process. If you didn’t want to send the Drafts, and instead wanted to delete them, then you would have to select all the Drafts, and click the Gmail Trash icon to remove them, and then go to the next page and repeat the process.

Now, after GMass creates your Drafts, you can either SEND them if they look how you want, or DELETE them if you wish to start over. Either option requires simply clicking a link that GMass will send you after your Drafts are created.

First, review the Drafts to make sure you approve:

Here’s the email you will get if you choose the Just create Drafts option when using GMass. You can choose to SEND the Drafts or DELETE them if you made a mistake:
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