The transition from problem to idea in projects

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The transition from problem to idea in projects

Post by rabia829 »

On November 26th, FUNIBER is organizing the webinar “Project Design: From Problem to Idea”, which will detail the steps that exist between identifying a problem and proposing an idea as a solution.

There are many aspects to take into account when approaching a project. Evaluating the risks and problems of the project is necessary for it to be carried out satisfactorily.

In addition to the problems that do have a solution, any project can also be affected by other factors, both internal and external, whose circumstances cannot be modified. fantuan database The culture of the organization, legal restrictions or market conditions are some of them.


The webinar “Project Design: From Problem to Idea”, organized for November 26 , will be taught by Dr. (c). María Magdalena Peña and Pablo Olinik and will be moderated by Dr. Santiago Brie, Coordinator of the Academic Department of Projects at FUNIBER.

Dr. (c). María Magdalena Peña is an Architect with a Master's Degree in Design, Management and Project Direction. In her presentation, she will present the different tools to understand the reality of the project environment, as well as "defining the limits and the way to establish them based on the analysis of the environment and those involved," says the speaker.

Pablo Olinik is the Academic Secretary of the Projects area programs of the university network in which FUNIBER collaborates. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Urban Environmental Management, with a Master's Degree in Architecture and Urban Planning Projects.

Pablo Olinik, Academic Secretary of the Projects area programs
Pablo Olinik, Academic Secretary of the Projects area programs
“Some forms that the main deliverable can take will be explained and practical examples will be presented, in order to reinforce the theoretical concepts and encourage an open debate on the topics covered,” Olinik highlights regarding the key aspects to be addressed in the webinar.

Dr. Roberto Alvarez, director of the Academic Projects Department (DAP), details the importance of going through different steps. A custom design “that ensures a complete analytical journey from the Problem that we must solve with a new project to the Idea, which is the real concept of the project in question.”

The webinar will be broadcast live in each country where FUNIBER is present . The broadcast times can be found at the following link.
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