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360º agency or several specialist agencies: which is better?

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 6:28 am
by rabia829
The first step to making a company's marketing strategy work properly is to select the digital marketing agency that best suits its needs. If you've come this far, it's because you're a large company, an SME or a freelancer, and you're interested in marketing and all the benefits it can bring to your business. Choosing the best agency for your company is no easy task. There are a multitude of agencies and a wide variety of services, often with technical terms that you might not know. So the question arises: which agency is best for your company?

Header agency 360 or specialist agency

After discovering that you need an agency, you will find multiple offers on the market. Therefore, it is important that you know how to differentiate viber database them and choose the best option for your needs. Currently, the offer of agencies in Spain is very wide. But if we try to group these agencies into two large groups, we can talk about two main types: 360º agencies and specialized agencies .


What is a 360º agency?
When we talk about 360 marketing or a 360 agency, we are referring to the wide range of tools and services used to achieve specific objectives. A 360 agency covers more services than a specialized one, they are more versatile and work to meet the needs of your business.

Ultimately, their job is to carry out complete online marketing strategies . There are specialized agencies that can offer separate services when there is a specific goal being pursued, such as an online service to position themselves on the networks. But there are businesses that, due to the type of clients they have and their way of selling, need an agency that “does it all”: a 360 agency is the right one.

4 keys that define a 360 advertising agency

Multitude of services
A 360 advertising agency is one that is made up of specialists in various fields : SEA, SEO, CRO, web creation and design, Inbound Marketing and social media and content marketing. For example, at alGenio, we have a wide range of services to become an essential part of your marketing department.

Ongoing advice
This is one of the main characteristics of a 360 agency. It is not only important to have the service that your company needs, but also to have advice and the ability to provide ideas to boost your business.

Plans tailored to your business
A typical advertising agency applies pre-defined, standard plans. However, a 360 agency knows you, your business and what works for it. In addition, it is capable of applying the plan simultaneously in all areas.

Providing solutions
360 advertising agencies are concerned with finding the best solution to the problems your business has.

A digital marketing agency will be part of your marketing department . As if it were one of its fundamental pillars, it will address comprehensive, quality communication from all media without losing the meaning and identity of the brand.