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Given the high number of people affected by coronavirus, some countries have opted to adapt spaces for healthcare use.
Since the first case was detected in December last year, the coronavirus has affected more than two hundred countries worldwide.
The seriousness of the situation and the high number cashapp phone number data of infected people led to the collapse of many health centres and the need to adapt spaces for hospital services.
Taking as an example what happened in European countries such as Italy or Spain, the Argentine government began to take measures to anticipate the collapse of hospitals.
According to the Plataforma Arquitectura website , “the response addressed by the country is based on complementing the health structure in advance by building a national network of twelve Modular Emergency Hospitals.”
In addition to these dozen hospitals, two other inactive centres would be opened, which would give the rest of the hospitals a break.
“The design of the Modular Emergency Hospitals is based on a system of scalable 1000 m2 modules (that is, they can be easily expanded if necessary, behaving flexibly in response to variations in space demand), through the dry construction methodology, which allows them to be built simultaneously in rotating shifts, speeding up the time of the construction processes,” states the aforementioned website.
These twelve spaces will be located in Córdoba, Mar de Plata, Resistencia (Chaco), Granadero Baigorria (Santa Fe) and the towns of Buenos Aires (Florencio Varela, Hurlingham, Quilmes, Tres de Febrero, Almirante Brown, Lomas de Zamora, Moreno and General Rodríguez). Although their use is indicated for the current pandemic, their usefulness in the future is not ruled out.
At the beginning of the year, China built a hospital in record time in the city of Wuhan, where the outbreak originated.
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