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9 B2B e-commerce solutions and strategies to boost your online sales

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2024 5:52 am
by Decjkf
Are you looking for B2B eCommerce solutions and strategies to help boost your digital performance and increase online sales? Well, look no further!

In this article, we examine nine essential B2B iraq whatsapp number eCommerce strategies that will help your company take the next step in its digital transformation. We also explore how you can use our modular B2B digital experience platform (DXP) to implement these strategies.


What is B2B e-commerce?
Simply put, B2B eCommerce is the process by which businesses market, buy, and sell products to and from other businesses through digital channels. While the B2B sector may have been slower to adopt eCommerce models and initiate digital transformation strategies, it is quickly catching up.

In fact, a recent McKinsey survey revealed that “83% of B2B buyers prefer to order or pay through digital commerce.”

Find out why B2B eCommerce is no longer a hard sell in our free and exclusive eBook...

What are the main differences between B2B and B2C e-commerce?
While B2B and B2C eCommerce solutions may appear to serve a similar function, they do so in drastically divergent ways. This is due to significant differences between the industries. These differences include:

The buyer: B2C buyers are typically individuals. B2B buyers, on the other hand, are groups, teams, or entire departments that make purchasing decisions collaboratively.