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How to recruit effectively on social networks?

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2024 6:05 am
by samiaseo33
Candidates are increasingly attracted to companies that value their employees and their backgrounds. For this reason, employee portraits are an excellent method to highlight their experience and the values ​​of the company. Publishing interviews or testimonials from your employees allows you to create a human connection with potential candidates . This shows the diversity of profiles within your company, while offering an authentic insight into the culture and values ​​you advocate.

1.2 Employee Stories
Employee testimonials telling their personal phone lookup philippines journey within the company are a real goldmine for humanizing your image. These inspiring stories create an emotional connection with candidates and give them a glimpse of what their daily life could be like with you. A company that lets its employees speak is a transparent and authentic company, qualities sought by candidates .


2. Promote the company and its values
2.1 Company News
Sharing the latest news and updates about your company is a great way to show that you are a dynamic organization. This can include recent projects, successes, or even important development milestones. Highlighting your successes shows candidates that you are a company that is constantly evolving and that you offer a stimulating environment in which to work.

2.2 Communication on charitable operations
Highlighting your charitable actions and social commitments strengthens your responsible brand image. In addition, it attracts candidates who share the same values ​​and who want to work for a company that contributes positively to society. Social responsibility has become a selection criterion for many talents, especially among the younger generations.