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Sponsored content on Instagram is scarce but generates high engagement, according to Emplifi

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2024 8:17 am
by samiaseo33
Emplifi , the leading customer engagement platform, unveiled its “ State of Influencer Marketing 2024 Report ,” revealing key trends to help brands optimize their influencer partnerships. A recent report from EMARKETER underscores the pivotal role influencers play in a brand’s e-commerce bottom line, with content from influencers and creators driving nearly 49.5% of social shoppers to make a purchase. According to Emplifi’s data, there’s a definite correlation between an influencer’s audience size and the amount of sponsored content they post, as well as the type of content they share.

Key findings of Emplifi's report include:
Small audiences receive more phone number database free sponsored posts : Influencers with 100,000 or more Instagram followers (defined as L and XL influencers) post fewer sponsored posts than influencers with smaller audiences, even though they post more content. In fact, micro influencers (influencers with 10,000 followers or less) post 67% more sponsored content than L and XL influencers.


Differences in formats: Micro influencers lean towards photos, while macro influencers focus on video: Not only do Instagram influencers with fewer than 100,000 followers post more sponsored content, XS influencers or “micro-influencers” with 10,000 followers or fewer are the only influencers who post more photos than videos. Meanwhile, Instagram influencers with the largest followings have doubled down on video content, with videos accounting for nearly 60% of posts from influencers with 100,000 or more followers.

Sponsored and non-sponsored content generate similar engagement on Instagram . According to the study, there appears to be no significant difference between the engagement generated by influencers’ sponsored and non-sponsored posts on Instagram. When it comes to sponsored content, Emplifi’s data found that approximately 7% of influencer content on Instagram is sponsored, with slight regional variations.