Our belief is you have to earn the opportunity to speak with them, and tactful persistence is often required to earn the opportunity. It is important to trust the fact that just because you are unable to speak with bulk sms ireland the person, does not suggest they are uninterested. Often, it just simply confirms the fact that they are busy!To specifically address the question: how often should you reach out to a target prospect – with first time campaigns, where the prospect data file is not huge, it’s common for dunlap marketing to start a campaign with the agreement of making call attempts over a to week period of time.

As a general rule, our belief is it’s good to penetrate the list by making multiple call attempts if possible. It gives you a more accurate feel of what the quality of opportunities is going to look like. This represents just the tip of the iceberg based on call frequency. This type of campaign can rest for a month or two, then you can start calling into it again. Unless you spoke to the right person, the likelihood is no one in the company will ever remember you called in prior times. On the other extreme, with campaigns that we have been working on for years, it is very common to see appointments that we set today as having or more call attempts over the past few years.