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Improve loading speed

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 5:33 am
by ahbappy250
A Google analysis of 11 million landing pages found that slow loading speed correlates with a higher bounce rate .
This shouldn’t be a surprise. After all, people online are extremely impatient.

For this reason, here are some ways to make your site faster.

As a first step, you need to collect your site db center whatsapp number speed benchmarks .

I recommend Google's free and useful PageSpeed ​​Insights tool .This tool gives your page a speed score based on the page's code and how quickly it loads for Chrome users.
It’s interesting to know your site’s score, but that data, by itself, isn’t very helpful.

To get the most out of this tool, check out the specific recommendations (called “Opportunities”) to speed up your page.
In our case, many of our homepage loading speed issues are due to large images.

PageSpeed ​​Insights – Image loading speed
Now that you have a baseline score and recommendations for improvement, follow these best practices to speed up your site’s loading speed:

Compress Images: Images are one of the main reasons why website pages load slowly . This doesn't mean you should start deleting images left and right, because each of them has its own purpose. Instead, use an image compression tool (we use Kraken Image Optimizer ) to drastically reduce the size of your images.
Use a fast hosting provider: Your hosting can make a difference in how fast your site loads. So if you're still on a cheap $5/month plan, consider upgrading to a faster host.
Remove unused plugins and scripts: Use a tool like WebPageTest to get a list of resources that are slowing down your page. And remove anything you don't use or need.
Web Page Test – Detailed results
4. Use the PPT introduction template
Many people stay on or leave your page based on what they see " above the fold ."


Above the fold
That's why it's extremely important to capture users' attention as soon as they land on your site.

And what's the best way to do that?

Write an introduction that makes the user want to continue reading.

Personally, I am increasingly using the so-called "PPT template". Our internal data shows that it is excellent for reducing bounce rates (and is very easy to implement).

As you can see, the first “P” in “PPT” stands for “Promise”: you promise to provide what that person is looking for.