Upload the robots.txt file to your site

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Upload the robots.txt file to your site

Post by ahbappy250 »

After saving the robots.txt file to your computer, upload it to your site and make it available for search engines to crawl.

Unfortunately, there is no universal tool that can help you with this step.

Loading the robots.txt file depends on your site's file structure and web hosting.

Search online or contact your denmark number for whatsapp hosting provider to find out how to upload your robots.txt file.

For example, you can search for “upload robots.txt file to WordPress” to get specific instructions.

Here are some articles that explain how to upload the robots.txt file in the most popular platforms:

After uploading the robots.txt file, check if it is visible to everyone and if Google can read it.

Here's how to do it.

4. Test your robots.txt file
First, check if your robots.txt file is publicly accessible (i.e. if it has been loaded correctly).

Open a private window in your browser and find your robots.txt file.

For example .

example semrush robots.txt
If you see your robots.txt file with the content you added, you are ready to test the markup (HTML code).


Google offers two options for testing robots.txt markup:

The robots.txt Tester in Search Console.
Google’s open source robots.txt library ( Advanced).
Since the second option is more geared towards advanced developers, let's test your robots.txt file in Search Console.

Note : To test your robots.txt file you must have a Search Console account set up.

Go to the robots.txt Tester and click on "Open robots.txt Tester".

If you haven't already connected your website to your Google Search Console account, you'll need to add a property first.
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