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What are your Loomly hidden gems?

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 6:13 am
by emailnumberlist554
What are some measurable results you've achieved with Loomly?

Kylie: "We've grown with Loomly at a crazy pace. I think Loomly is a big part of the reason we've been able to do that pretty seamlessly.

The feature that comes to mind mostly is how easy it is iraq whatsapp number to create a single post and then customize it to each channel without having to do it over again, or being able to come back to it frequently.

It's a very strong part of why our content is solid — because we're able to take time that otherwise we'd have to put into focusing on the backend of editing or customizing per channel or typing out the same hashtags over and over and over again on Instagram."


We're able to save that time and then repurpose it into amping up our content, which is a big piece of why we've been able to grow at the pace that we have because we make good content and Loomly really helps us be able to focus on that.

Lori: "What we have found as an organization is instead of using a big CRM, if you want good results from your social, a social dedicated platform is so much better.

While a CRM platform may have a social component, it's not anywhere near as capable as a social only tool that is deep. And so I've had this weird experience and always come back to Loomly."

Kylie: "Loomly will notify you if there is an error, whether a channel did happen to get disconnected, or a post does need to be published manually, or I mean anything of that nature — we don't miss things like that.

We don't have to worry about missing things like that, because we know the platform is on top of it and it's going to tell us if we need to jump on something. So it's pretty stress free because we have some other systems where we have to [ask ourselves] okay, how do we make sure things don't get missed?

And Loomly is not one of them."

Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 11.08.48 AM

Loomly Tip: Loomly sends notification alerts for events such as when a post fails to publish or passes its publication date. Users can customize their notification preferences to receive alerts via email, the mobile app, Slack, or Microsoft Teams integration.

Lori: "We have some clients that we do an outline and we get approval on all the content, we [schedule] all the content at once, and it plays out over the month through Loomly on its own.