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External recruitment: Advantages and disadvantages in talent management

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 7:22 am
by Aklima@3
According to a study by Bersin by Deloitte, “the costs associated with the process of replacing a mid-level employee can cost the company up to 400% of the monthly salary . ” Did you know that?
Reducing this high cost is possible with external recruitment. We will tell you what it consists of and what advantages and disadvantages it has.
Attracting and retaining talented professionals is one of the biggest concerns for any business owner, but external recruitment requires a well-defined and automated process to be effective and save time and resources for the organization.

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What is external recruitment?
External recruitment involves selecting a person from outside the company to fill a vacancy. But, in addition, when we talk about this resource, we are referring to the possibility of outsourcing the recruitment process to a company or human resources software .


Replacing a mid-level worker can cost a company up to four times their monthly salary.

Advantages and disadvantages of external recruitment
Carrying out staff selection through a third party has several advantages and disadvantages. We will look at them below.

External recruitment allows employers to benefit from the following advantages:

Task automation . There are numerous tasks that can be automated through human resources software, such as publishing the offer, selecting suitable profiles for the vacancy and the onboarding process , for example.
Specialization . External recruitment is carried out by a highly specialized and up-to-date technological partner , thus complying with the law and any legal developments that may occur and avoiding errors.
Cost and time savings . All of the above represents a significant saving of money and time for the organization, so that employees and managers can invest those resources in the company's business objective.
Employee satisfaction . When employees experience a fast and efficient recruitment process, they feel comfortable and satisfied, which will generate greater bonding with the company.
Customization . Both the external recruitment process and the HR software used can be adapted to the company and the specific process.
Reporting . A technological tool such as HR software allows for automated reporting to verify the selection process and take immediate action to correct errors.
Automation, specialization, customization, satisfaction, savings and the possibility of creating follow-up reports are some of the advantages of external recruitment using human resources software.

On the other hand, there are a number of disadvantages that can be overcome by choosing this form of personnel selection. They are the following:

Delegation of a key business process . Companies are made up of people who are the most important asset, so delegating this process is an important decision. However, choosing a technological partner with experience and prestige will provide security and confidence.
Security risks . External recruitment involves handling personal data and confidential information, so it is a delicate process in which it is essential to ensure security and avoid information leaks. Human resources software provides security measures to prevent leaks and other risks affecting data, even when working in the cloud.