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Types of stories (storytelling) that help you sell more

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:15 am
by sakib30
Stories grab attention, hold the reader's interest, and help close the sale. Some do. Some don't.

What stories could help you sell more with your emails or sales pages?

That is what we are going to see, and analyze, in this article.

These structures that we are going to discuss italy phone number data are perfectly copyable, so you could use them if you are interested.


Shall we discuss them?

1 · Storytelling in sales, examples and variants
1.1 ►A customer's comment
1.2 ►Brief history of the client's problem plus commentary
1.2.1 ► The size of the story will depend on various factors
1.3 ► History related to product development
1.3.1 ► Link product development with customer benefits
1.4 ►Story with a negative beginning
2 · Do stories have to be real?
3 · Are more complex stories necessary?
4 · Where to apply stories in your sales process?
5 · In summary
· Storytelling in sales, examples and variants►A customer's comment
Perhaps one of the easiest ways to tell a story is to use a customer comment, no matter how brief.

The requirement to be able to use this strategy would be:

◆ Have a real customer review, or generate one in a reasonably credible way (with care)

◆ That includes in some way the usual problem of the clients that our product or service solves

◆ You have to see how the client goes from the problem to having the solution

One of the advantages of this strategy, if it remains natural, is that the client can see his or her situation reflected in that of the other person.

Which has the same problems.

And that was able to provide them with a solution.

Ultimately, it is presented as a solution to their problem that is within reach of people like him or her.

Let's see an example of this type of stories:

stories to sell

As you can see, it is a very short story, very condensed in opinion:

◆ “Thank you. Not being able to sell was ruining my business, it was frustrating . ”

Here, the client's problem (not being able to sell) and the solution achieved (thank you) are present , as well as what was happening to him on a personal level (desperate) .

It is difficult to express more with less text.

This option can be made a little more complicated, or rather than complicated, expanded.