Humanizing the work environment is a priority in today's people management . Employees are, above all, human beings and, as such, they must be understood. Balancing private and work life in a way that benefits both sides requires more than just coordinating schedules. It requires, among other things, that companies understand the human weaknesses and strengths of those who work for them.
In the past, employees' personal characteristics and circumstances were often seen as a constraint for the company. They defined the limits to which these employees bahrain email list 191152 contact leads could be reached. Today, HR managers are faced with more active management. They must consider how the characteristics of employees and the company influence each other, looking for ways to find a positive evolution of this relationship. These eight initiatives can contribute to humanizing the work environment.
1) Humanization begins with getting to know your employees better
There is a whole world beyond the selection of candidates for a position, the assignment of tasks and the analysis of performance. Getting to know employees professionally requires getting closer to the human being behind them.
In a changing environment like the current one, it is essential to understand the potential of employees . This is the way to know if we can entrust them with new tasks, for which we have no references. And this requires looking beyond their past performance in other jobs. We must study different aspects : interests, experiences, concerns, hopes, personality traits, intellectual qualities, emotional intelligence, physical and sensory abilities, different categories of skills, etc.
The same thing happens with personal limitations . A good project can fail if the limitations of the key people involved in its execution are unknown or if the project manager does not know how to compensate or resolve them. And, simply, in some cases, it is necessary to understand the depth of these limitations in order not to entrust the task to the wrong person.
2) Measures to reconcile work and family life
The family is one of the most important elements in the development of people . It influences their personal goals, culture, decision-making…
Measures must be developed that, on the one hand, enhance the aspects of the family environment that are beneficial for professional life . For example, employees' families can be great allies in the strategy to improve digital culture . And, on the other hand, the damage that family problems cause to work performance must be mitigated . And, if possible, it is beneficial to collaborate to prevent them from occurring.