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Can Matomo and Google Analytics Be Used Together

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 10:05 am
by badsha0015
Analytics services like Matomo and Google Analytics can be used simultaneously. This will allow you to gain insights from both platforms and compare the similarities and differences between them. Since Google Analytics is a free service, you may be ready to jump headfirst into this concept, but we recommend taking a moment to consider what it entails.

If you were to have Matomo and Google Analytics running on your website simultaneously, you would have two different JavaScript codes running at the same time. This could put a huge strain on your operations as it would negatively impact page load speed.

When you're trying to improve the user experience of afghanistan whatsapp number data your website, website speed is one of the most important elements to consider. A staggering 47% of consumers will abandon a website if it takes more than two seconds to load.

A graph showing how long it takes someone to leave a slow website
How long does it take someone to leave a slow website (Source: Online Asset Partners)
Additionally, site speed is something that Google checks when assigning your SEO ranking. That means that anyone looking to increase their SEO score needs to make sure that their site is running at an optimal speed. We recommend using a free tool like KinstaAPM to determine what needs to be fixed. This is essential for building a positioning strategy for your brand, as you want people to associate your brand with functionality and efficiency.

So while it is possible to run Matomo and Google Analytics on your site at the same time, it is not recommended.

Matomo and Google Analytics are both great analytics tools that can give you a great window into the habits and behaviors of your target audience. You can use these platforms to monitor your SEO growth, better understand your target audience, and measure the success or failure of your marketing campaigns to determine what actions you should take next.

But as for whether Google Analytics or Matomo is the better choice, it all comes down to your specific needs as a business. It will be worth the investment if you can afford Matomo and believe that services like Heatmap are important to your continued success.


However, if you are a small site with a low profit margin and need a quality free tool, then Google Analytics is a safe and effective bet. If you are not happy with either of these options, we can also recommend MyKinsta Analytics, our own website analytics platform.

Regardless of which analytics tool you decide on, you will need application hosting, database hosting, and managed WordPress hosting to get your site or project out to the masses.

Contact Kinsta today and schedule a demo. Advertising is important for every business. But in 2022, businesses are looking to target their ads and place them in prominent places. That place could be your website, allowing you to generate revenue while providing advertisers with a place to get the word out about their products and services.