Also read: 'My environment': 3 tips for enticing your visitors
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 3:07 am
Status belongs in Maslow's pyramid at the level of appreciation and recognition. The fourth layer in the pyramid. Social media contribute to that need for status. We want as many likes as possible and we want to 'belong'. The same stuff, the same slick photos as we see on Instagram. When you as a brand can contribute to that and therefore help your customers to profile yourself, you win points with that.
Something new arouses interest and satisfies curiosity. This can be as simple as a new flavour, improved recipe or even new packaging. Something new does not have to be spectacular, as long as you can (literally) stick the stamp 'new' on it.
Link your brand to a certain group or create your own group that people can belong to. It works a bit like status: people want to belong to a certain group. Create that group and let people participate in it. Or identify your brand with a certain group, so that the people from that group will identify with your brand.
Savings cards, discounts, wind bags, bonuses, free products and loyalty programs are all forms of reward for your customer. They will therefore be more likely to buy something from you or buy more from you. After all, they get something in return for that purchase. But beware: it does not necessarily hold their attention. In many cases, it is therefore a short-term attractor.
By using these attention grabbers, you ensure that your message stands out.
Illustration for illustration, people with a megaphone
Earned Attention Canvas
Of course, just shooting some attention-grabbers australia telegram data 3 million into the air like blanks doesn’t generate constructive attention. You need a plan to keep standing out. That’s what the Earned Attention Canvas is for.
This canvas should provide a practical tool to arrive at a distinctive marketing strategy. There are various elements that you need to work with and that may also be adjusted and improved over time, for example based on customer feedback.
This way you can test what works best to stand out and attract and retain the attention of your customers. By constantly fine-tuning, the visibility of your brand or product will also improve and earn more attention.

These elements or building blocks are brand, market, objective and communication. To find out which building block you should pay the most attention to in your attention marketing, you can do a quick scan via the book. This will quickly reveal the bottlenecks and allow you to determine priorities.
Status belongs in Maslow's pyramid at the level of appreciation and recognition. The fourth layer in the pyramid. Social media contribute to that need for status. We want as many likes as possible and we want to 'belong'. The same stuff, the same slick photos as we see on Instagram. When you as a brand can contribute to that and therefore help your customers to profile yourself, you win points with that.
Something new arouses interest and satisfies curiosity. This can be as simple as a new flavour, improved recipe or even new packaging. Something new does not have to be spectacular, as long as you can (literally) stick the stamp 'new' on it.
Link your brand to a certain group or create your own group that people can belong to. It works a bit like status: people want to belong to a certain group. Create that group and let people participate in it. Or identify your brand with a certain group, so that the people from that group will identify with your brand.
Savings cards, discounts, wind bags, bonuses, free products and loyalty programs are all forms of reward for your customer. They will therefore be more likely to buy something from you or buy more from you. After all, they get something in return for that purchase. But beware: it does not necessarily hold their attention. In many cases, it is therefore a short-term attractor.
By using these attention grabbers, you ensure that your message stands out.
Illustration for illustration, people with a megaphone
Earned Attention Canvas
Of course, just shooting some attention-grabbers australia telegram data 3 million into the air like blanks doesn’t generate constructive attention. You need a plan to keep standing out. That’s what the Earned Attention Canvas is for.
This canvas should provide a practical tool to arrive at a distinctive marketing strategy. There are various elements that you need to work with and that may also be adjusted and improved over time, for example based on customer feedback.
This way you can test what works best to stand out and attract and retain the attention of your customers. By constantly fine-tuning, the visibility of your brand or product will also improve and earn more attention.

These elements or building blocks are brand, market, objective and communication. To find out which building block you should pay the most attention to in your attention marketing, you can do a quick scan via the book. This will quickly reveal the bottlenecks and allow you to determine priorities.