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There is no content marketing strategy

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 4:33 am
by samiaseo75
Having a strategy set in a document will increase the efficiency and productivity of investments, strengthen the brand and maximize the results of your efforts. According to a study by Content Marketing Institute , 61% of B2B marketing professionals said they have a documented strategy. And this is the right way to put a good content strategy in place:

– Setting goals. This is undoubtedly one of the cell phone number list most difficult tasks in inbound marketing. It is important to choose a metric that is challenging, but not unattainable. Some marketing professionals feel a little lost when it comes to implementing new activities and selecting the right objectives to carry them out. What are the objectives of your content marketing? To drive traffic? Increase brand awareness? Generate subscribers? Increase customer retention? To do this, the SMART method is used to define objectives: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound goals must be set.

These are the five metrics most commonly used by B2B organizations to measure the results of content marketing:


Website traffic (78%)
Conversion quality (57%)
Impact on social networks (57%)
Time spent on website per visitor (54%)
Increase in conversion rate (51%)
– Identify the audience. In inbound marketing, a sociodemographic target is not defined as in outbound marketing. The buyer persona is identified in a very precise way and they are attracted to an environment in which they are offered solutions to the problems they are having. It is about capturing them by becoming part of their conversation, giving them the power to choose us.

– Determine your communication style. Attracting a millennial looking for graduate studies is not the same as attracting a B2B industrial buyer, a mother looking for a family vacation, or a teenager needing information about surfboards. Depending on the industry, target audience, and brand style, you need to use a style that differentiates you from your competitors and helps build a relationship with your audience. To do this, you need to write a style guide and have each team member consistently follow it across all marketing channels.