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What do you need for growth hacking?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 4:34 am
by arzina566
These are terms that sound very boring on the one hand and on the other hand also attract attention. Data and growth hacking . It is still quite vague for many entrepreneurs how they can apply this in their company. And especially how they can grow their company because of it.

At the online conference of Emerce B2B Digital, growth hacking and acquiring relevant customer data in e-commerce were high on the list. In this article, I will take you through the insights I gained during this online conference.

The fastest companies win
The most important thing that came out of one of the presentations is that the fastest companies win . Growth hacking is about working fast, innovating a lot and experimenting a lot. You will have to put your own perfectionism aside if you want to be successful in growth hacking.

To start with growth hacking you need a goal. You need to have ideas around the topic you want to improve. Often this has to do with the user experience.

During the event, a case was discussed about a leasing company and the Tesla brand. Initially, the leasing company had a page where you could request a quote and you were called based on this quote. During that first conversation, many standard questions were asked and the entire process took about two months before someone actually became a customer. The leasing company noticed that some customers changed their minds in those two months. So the process had to be accelerated. And yes, with the help of growth hacking.

They had about 9 ideas and it was not until experiment 6 that they came up with a good initiative. The customer can now leave the necessary information online and is immediately offered the perfect car. This has accelerated their process enormously.

First of all, you need a 'growth mindset'. I mentioned it earlier: you need to put your perfectionism aside. Growing means making mistakes and that allows you to grow even faster. In addition, you need people who can look at an idea from different angles. Not just from their own function or expertise, but also from other perspectives.

And besides that, you will have to go through the process below.

Collecting ideas : organize a brainstorming session and put all the wild plans on paper.
Evaluate ideas : After the session, choose which ideas are most valuable. Choose about 10 of them.
Prepare experiments including goals : for these japan telegram data ideas you will come up with experiments. How can you test a new idea in the simplest way? Note: as low as possible costs and as fast as possible. Also determine what kind of result the test must yield to be successful.
Testing : that goes without saying.
Analyze Data : The step that is too often skipped. Look at the data you have obtained and draw a conclusion. What went well? What can be improved? What do you want to scale up?


Growth hacking is therefore mainly based on customer data. Based on data, you can see where things go wrong in the customer journey. Which processes take too long? Where does the customer drop out? And where does it go really well? This provides input for optimization and therefore growth hacking.

Also read: Get started with growth hacking in 5 steps
How do you get more relevant customer data?
Suppose you want to start with growth hacking or you want to distinguish yourself more on the market, how do you make a sound choice for the experiments you are going to perform? In other words: how do you get enough data to be able to optimize at all?

Of course, you will first need to collect data before you can analyze it and optimize the customer experience. It is important to ask yourself: