What is the point of all this?

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What is the point of all this?

Post by mmehedi*# »

Buyer personas do not create themselves. They require both human and time resources and a clear strategic process behind them. This raises the question: "What is the point of all this?" Here is a brief overview of the main advantages of the concept:

Buyer personas enable you to optimize your inbound marketing: All measures in inbound marketing or content marketing are only effective if you know who you want to reach.
Your marketing activities become more effective and targeted.
Your content marketing becomes phone number list much more personal through persona marketing!
(Potential) customers will trust you more if you demonstrate genuine understanding of their needs.
Since you know your customers best, you have a decisive advantage over your competition!
Buyer personas are a prerequisite for your customer journey, the purchasing process of your customers from noticing a problem to purchasing and using the product.


So are personas more specific and therefore better than target groups?
There is no general answer to the question of whether creating buyer personas is really more useful than creating target groups. What is certain, however, is that buyer personas provide an even better understanding of the customer spectrum due to their greater level of detail. This makes it even easier to deliver content in a targeted manner without having to accept wastage.
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