Usually, companies do not develop in a straight line, but simultaneously in different directions. To conclude whether it is time to form a pre-sale unit, it is necessary to study some areas of the company's activity (according to the main indicators):
Win Rate . A satisfactory indicator for this area is 20%. If the Win Rate is 25% or more, then this is considered a good result. When the indicator is below 15%, then it is definitely worth addressing the issue of pre-sale preparation.
Conversion (MQL > SQL) (SQL > WIN) . If a small number of users reach the stage of making a decision on concluding a partnership, then, accordingly, offers to conclude a contract are received by a smaller number of consumers.
Number of interactions with the customer . The fewer accurate mobile phone number list contacts there are with the consumer to find out his needs, the less likely it is to guess his requests.
Customer satisfaction . This area shows how well the service provided or the product sold meets the customer's needs.
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The absence of a pre-sales specialist or department in the company leads to a decrease in sales and the number of contracts concluded. To understand how many employees are required to conduct pre-sales preparation, it is necessary to analyze what key functions the staff should perform. First of all, determine whether the pre-sales functions are permanent or temporary. Based on the needs of the niche in which you work. Answer the questions:
Does the company have the resources to consistently pay salaries to the department's staff?
Does the company's infrastructure allow for presale to be integrated without the need to transform it?
What deals do you need to work on: are you interested in long-term prospects or quickly closing current contracts?
Do the company's resources allow you to create a pre-sales department from scratch or do you need to look for a ready-made team?
Will the presale direction scale in accordance with the pace of development of the enterprise?
What will the pre-sales specialist/department do? Will they need to test the prospects of a new direction or will their goal be to achieve specific indicators?
A relevant issue is the scheme for calculating the salary of pre-sales personnel. It is believed that its formation is optimal according to the formula "Salary plus percentage". The sales manager also receives a salary according to a similar scheme.
If you have come to the conclusion that you will not have enough of one pre-sales analyst to work effectively and you need to form a department, then it is important to understand which areas of work will be required.
How to understand that it is time to assemble a presale team in the company
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- Joined: Tue Dec 17, 2024 8:25 am