A stakeholder is the public of interest for a company that allows its full operation. By public, I mean all the people or organizations that are related to the activities and decisions of a company such as: employees, suppliers, customers, government, among others.
Marketing and the corporate environment are two examples of areas full of new concepts and terms, which can confuse those who are not used to using these words in their daily lives .
However, they often have a simple meaning and can be common in the routine of professionals to a greater degree than they imagine.
An example of this is the concept of stakeholder . Do you know what one is? Despite having a huge impact on decisions made by companies, many people are unsure of the definition of the term and how relevant it is to their organization.
Do you want to learn more about this topic? Then keep grenada email list 18731 contact leads reading this article and understand what a stakeholder is, how they influence the functioning of companies, how to identify who fits this profile and the difference between this term and another very similar one.
What are stakeholders?
A concept created in the 1980s by American philosopher Robert Edward Freeman, stakeholder is any individual or organization that is, in some way, impacted by the actions of a particular company. Freely translated into Spanish, it means "interested parties"
Freeman argued that stakeholders are essential and should always be considered in any business's strategic planning.
In this way, we understand that the success or failure of any company will always affect not only its owners but also everyone around it, that is, its employees, its partners, suppliers, competitors, families of all those involved and of course its customers.
What impact do they have on a company?
As we said, stakeholders are a group of people affected by a company's decisions.
But the opposite path must also be taken into account. The satisfaction of these individuals or organizations also strongly influences the results and objectives set by companies .
That's why it's essential to ensure that all of your company's stakeholders are satisfied with the work you do. From customers to shareholders, everyone has a high value for your business and their desires and demands have a direct impact on your organization's results.
The great challenge for managers of companies with a wide range of stakeholders is precisely to find common objectives among all the individuals and organizations impacted by their business. Only in this way is it possible to foster sustainable growth for your organization.
Therefore, the importance of stakeholders in your company is enormous. In addition to that, it is necessary to align the objectives and expectations of everyone who is part of this group so that your actions and projects achieve the expected success.
How will your company be successful if, for example, customers, who are also stakeholders, no longer show interest in your product or service ? Or if your company's employees are not motivated and fail to achieve a certain level of productivity?
With your company generating little value, the impact on shareholders, investors and banks, for example, will also be very large. In other words, all the pieces that make up your company's stakeholders are connected and the dissatisfaction of one group has a direct effect on the behavior of another.
That's why it's essential to broaden your view of the stakeholder group involved in your company's actions, so you can understand what they're looking for and set common goals to guide your organization in a sustainable way.