Breaking Bad is a series that has managed to capture the attention of millions of viewers around the world. Its contradictory characters take you to the limit and this is perhaps part of its success. But we can also give a twist to the vision of the series and look at it from an entrepreneurial perspective, with all the nuances, of course. That is why we are going to try to extract from it seven lessons that an entrepreneur can learn from Breaking Bad .
Maybe it's a professional deformation, or maybe you apply transportation email list the business prism to analyze almost everything in your day to day life. We can learn from all of this at some point to apply it to our work, to our company. From a video game that shows us how we are able to concentrate for hours on a task to television series as contradictory as the one we are dealing with. But is Walter White an entrepreneur?
Some people might think that Walter is an innovator, who introduces technology and applies his knowledge of chemistry in a field that is not professionalized. This leads him to obtain a product of unrivaled quality in the market and from there he begins to generate business.
Seven lessons for entrepreneurs from Breaking Bad
A good product is not enough to make a success . The protagonists realize this in the first season. However, their success in terms of production is not reflected in their income statement. After deducting expenses, they are frustrated because they do not have a similar success in terms of net income.
This leads them to seek partnerships with distributors, Tuco Salamanca, who demand higher production from them, but do not have the proper infrastructure or are not prepared. They learn that they have to grow at the right time , when you are ready for it. If you can't ride the wave, it will most likely sweep you away, and it is about to happen to them.
The usefulness of a partner and when to dissolve the partnership. Jesse Pinkman is the right partner to go into business for Walter since he doesn't know anything about this world. However, there comes a point where Pinkman becomes a liability, where instead of adding to the partnership, he subtracts. Despite the affection and emotional bond of "we started this together," these situations must be ended.