Glossary of 350 digital marketing terms you should know.
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 5:00 am
When we start in the world of digital marketing , we begin to hear and see countless words and terms that at first hand, and with hardly any knowledge, sound like Chinese to us. Being honest and realistic, right? That is why good training and a lot of reading can help us become familiar with everything that is said, what each word means, what it should be used for and when we should use them.
My experience, although short but already 7 years in this world, has made me not stop updating myself every day to be aware of the trends and what comes to light.
Due to this interest and thanks to the help of professionals who shared and continue to share their knowledge on the Internet, I have been able to become a professional with the desire to continue giving my best, deciding to write this glossary that is so precious to me and that I hope malaysia b2b leads will help you and anyone who needs it, in order to help you in your day-to-day life in the world of digital marketing and social media, as it once helped me.
That's why I've compiled this glossary of terms that every marketer should at least know , with the most commonly used and most necessary words starting with A and ending with Y.
That said, let's get started with this glossary of 350 digital marketing and social media terms !
[bctt tweet=»THE “ABC” OF DIGITAL MARKETING! Glossary of terms that every social media professional should at least know. » via=»no»]
Glossary of Digital Marketing and Social Media Terms
With the “A”.
URL shortener: This is a software that reduces the parameters of a URL. This makes it much more convenient and manageable when it comes to sharing and remembering it.
Ad server : Software that allows us to serve advertisements within the spaces offered by a website.
Ad-blocker: This is an extension that allows you to filter the content displayed and block intrusive advertising in the different browsers Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera and Microsoft Edge on websites.
Content management system (CMS): This is a computer program that allows the creation of a work environment for the creation and management of content, mainly on web pages, by administrators, editors, participants and other users.
Ads: Service provided by Google to offer sponsored advertising to potential advertisers.
Adsense: By placing ads on websites, in different formats such as text, graphics or advanced interactive advertising, advertisers earn additional income.
Advergaming: The practice of creating video games to advertise a brand, product, organization or idea.
Advertisement: This involves creating content tailored to a brand. It is a marketing trend and includes product placement, which depending on how it is managed, can be positive or negative.
Affiliates: These are companies or individuals with websites that are responsible for advertising the services or products of other companies by publishing their advertisements or promotions in banner format in exchange for a commission.
Reach: This tells us the number of people we are reaching with our content on social media and is a parameter to be measured constantly.
Facebook Reach: This is the number of unique people who saw the content you posted on your fan page.
Organic reach: This is the total number of unique users who have seen your post through free distribution methods.
Viral reach: When we manage to get our content seen naturally with a large reach. This is made up of people seeing your website because other people have created a story about it. It is linked to organic reach, as someone had to click “like”, comment or share for other people to see it.
Google Alerts: A Google service that notifies the user when new content matches a selected set of search terms stored in Google Alerts.
Algorithms: It is a set of well-defined, ordered and finite rules that allow an activity to be carried out through successive steps.
A-list blogger: They are the elite of blogs, with tons of posts daily and millions of links to their blogs.
Form analysis: This is a web analytics technique that allows us to know and study the abandonment rates that occur during the process of filling out a form and which fields are causing problems for the user.
Web analytics : A set of techniques related to the analysis of data relating to traffic on a website in order to understand where it comes from, what can be improved, etc.
Anchor text: This is the visible text in a link or hyperlink that provides information about the content to which we want to direct the user and search engines.
API: Set of functions and procedures offered by a library to be used by other software as an abstraction layer.
App: It is a computer application (mobile app) designed to be used on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.
Web architecture: It is the set of actions related to the development and optimization of website positioning.
Web audit: This is a complete diagnosis of a website where the external factors (offpage) as well as the internal factors (onpage) that affect the positioning of your website are analyzed.
Author rank: This is an index that measures the reputation of the author who talks about specific content on a blog or website.
Authority: This is an SEO concept that measures the popularity of a website, based on specific metrics that the Google search engine considers important to improve the positioning of said page.
Avatar: A graphic representation associated with each user for identification purposes. Avatars can be photographs or artistic drawings.
With the “B”.
B2B: Business to Business, business model that occurs between two companies.
B2C: Business to Consumer, business model that exists between a company and its customers.
Backlinks: These are incoming links from other websites that point to your own page. The more relevant pages that link to you, the more visibility your website will gain in Google's eyes.
Badge: The insignia of an organization, presented to indicate some feat of service, achievement, or symbol of authority.
Banners: It is an advertising system which is paid for by the number of times they appear (impressions) on the website, called Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM).
Benchmarking: It is a process by which the products or services of other companies are taken as a reference, to later compare them with yours and make improvements and implement them to differentiate yourself.
Beta: Word that refers to when a program is in development version.
Big data: This is the set of data that makes up everything related to us and the digital environment and that, due to its quantity, makes its storage, processing, analysis and management difficult.
Facebook Biography: These are the publications or updates that are made daily on Facebook profiles or pages.
Log: A website with a chronological structure that is updated regularly and is usually dedicated to dealing with a specific topic.
Blackhat SEO: This is the use of techniques to deceive search engines. The norms and rules they propose are challenged.
Blog post: It is the publication of an article in a Blog or log where the entries can contain images, videos and URL links.
Blog roll: It is a collection of ' blog ' links, composed of addresses that the authors themselves visit frequently or sometimes simply from blog pages of friends or close friends.
My experience, although short but already 7 years in this world, has made me not stop updating myself every day to be aware of the trends and what comes to light.
Due to this interest and thanks to the help of professionals who shared and continue to share their knowledge on the Internet, I have been able to become a professional with the desire to continue giving my best, deciding to write this glossary that is so precious to me and that I hope malaysia b2b leads will help you and anyone who needs it, in order to help you in your day-to-day life in the world of digital marketing and social media, as it once helped me.
That's why I've compiled this glossary of terms that every marketer should at least know , with the most commonly used and most necessary words starting with A and ending with Y.
That said, let's get started with this glossary of 350 digital marketing and social media terms !
[bctt tweet=»THE “ABC” OF DIGITAL MARKETING! Glossary of terms that every social media professional should at least know. » via=»no»]
Glossary of Digital Marketing and Social Media Terms
With the “A”.
URL shortener: This is a software that reduces the parameters of a URL. This makes it much more convenient and manageable when it comes to sharing and remembering it.
Ad server : Software that allows us to serve advertisements within the spaces offered by a website.
Ad-blocker: This is an extension that allows you to filter the content displayed and block intrusive advertising in the different browsers Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera and Microsoft Edge on websites.
Content management system (CMS): This is a computer program that allows the creation of a work environment for the creation and management of content, mainly on web pages, by administrators, editors, participants and other users.
Ads: Service provided by Google to offer sponsored advertising to potential advertisers.
Adsense: By placing ads on websites, in different formats such as text, graphics or advanced interactive advertising, advertisers earn additional income.
Advergaming: The practice of creating video games to advertise a brand, product, organization or idea.
Advertisement: This involves creating content tailored to a brand. It is a marketing trend and includes product placement, which depending on how it is managed, can be positive or negative.
Affiliates: These are companies or individuals with websites that are responsible for advertising the services or products of other companies by publishing their advertisements or promotions in banner format in exchange for a commission.
Reach: This tells us the number of people we are reaching with our content on social media and is a parameter to be measured constantly.
Facebook Reach: This is the number of unique people who saw the content you posted on your fan page.
Organic reach: This is the total number of unique users who have seen your post through free distribution methods.
Viral reach: When we manage to get our content seen naturally with a large reach. This is made up of people seeing your website because other people have created a story about it. It is linked to organic reach, as someone had to click “like”, comment or share for other people to see it.
Google Alerts: A Google service that notifies the user when new content matches a selected set of search terms stored in Google Alerts.
Algorithms: It is a set of well-defined, ordered and finite rules that allow an activity to be carried out through successive steps.
A-list blogger: They are the elite of blogs, with tons of posts daily and millions of links to their blogs.
Form analysis: This is a web analytics technique that allows us to know and study the abandonment rates that occur during the process of filling out a form and which fields are causing problems for the user.
Web analytics : A set of techniques related to the analysis of data relating to traffic on a website in order to understand where it comes from, what can be improved, etc.
Anchor text: This is the visible text in a link or hyperlink that provides information about the content to which we want to direct the user and search engines.
API: Set of functions and procedures offered by a library to be used by other software as an abstraction layer.
App: It is a computer application (mobile app) designed to be used on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.
Web architecture: It is the set of actions related to the development and optimization of website positioning.
Web audit: This is a complete diagnosis of a website where the external factors (offpage) as well as the internal factors (onpage) that affect the positioning of your website are analyzed.
Author rank: This is an index that measures the reputation of the author who talks about specific content on a blog or website.
Authority: This is an SEO concept that measures the popularity of a website, based on specific metrics that the Google search engine considers important to improve the positioning of said page.
Avatar: A graphic representation associated with each user for identification purposes. Avatars can be photographs or artistic drawings.
With the “B”.
B2B: Business to Business, business model that occurs between two companies.
B2C: Business to Consumer, business model that exists between a company and its customers.
Backlinks: These are incoming links from other websites that point to your own page. The more relevant pages that link to you, the more visibility your website will gain in Google's eyes.
Badge: The insignia of an organization, presented to indicate some feat of service, achievement, or symbol of authority.
Banners: It is an advertising system which is paid for by the number of times they appear (impressions) on the website, called Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM).
Benchmarking: It is a process by which the products or services of other companies are taken as a reference, to later compare them with yours and make improvements and implement them to differentiate yourself.
Beta: Word that refers to when a program is in development version.
Big data: This is the set of data that makes up everything related to us and the digital environment and that, due to its quantity, makes its storage, processing, analysis and management difficult.
Facebook Biography: These are the publications or updates that are made daily on Facebook profiles or pages.
Log: A website with a chronological structure that is updated regularly and is usually dedicated to dealing with a specific topic.
Blackhat SEO: This is the use of techniques to deceive search engines. The norms and rules they propose are challenged.
Blog post: It is the publication of an article in a Blog or log where the entries can contain images, videos and URL links.
Blog roll: It is a collection of ' blog ' links, composed of addresses that the authors themselves visit frequently or sometimes simply from blog pages of friends or close friends.