Best professional voicemail greeting examples for your business
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 5:09 am
Well-crafted and recorded professional voicemail greetings boost your credibility in front of your audience, making you more competent, and encourages your callers to continue their professional relationship with you. We have created some best voicemail greetings that you and your business can use to give you an edge over your competitors.Here’s how the process looks like:IVR (optional) > Phone Rings > If the employee does not pick up > Your professional voicemail greeting (opportunity to cross-sell or tell them to drop their message).
“Your professional voicemail greeting message matters.”
Scenarios where customers get directed to voicemail
1. When the executive is busy on another call.2. When the executive is not able to pick up the call.3. When the executive cuts the call.It is important to implement a professional voicemail greeting for each of these scenarios.So, let’s see how to create your professional voicemail greetings so that you never lose on your customers and prospects Australia Phone Numbers whenever your sales team is out of office, on vacation, or busy with other tasks, etc.Basically, you need to set your voicemail greetings in such a manner that it delivers your message professionally!
Why are voicemail greetings important for your business?

When you call the customer support number of any business you are greeted an IVR (Interactive Voice Response) where you have to choose the department. For example;Press 1 for SalesPress 2 for MarketingPress 3 for SupportAlthough, IVR is not a compulsion for every business. Many businesses have direct lines, and customers can be directed to voicemail. But a few seconds of greetings before voicemail can be really helpful to your business. Professional voicemail greetings ca used for cross-selling your products and services and also divert your customers to your app and website.You can also use realistic AI voices to power
Every single call is a lead for you, so either there’s an opportunity to leave a great impression or an opportunity to sell something.
Your business voicemail greeting should pass on the right message.
Be apologetic about not receiving the customer call.
Voicemails create a visual image of your business in the customer’s mind, so you will need to put a message that represents your business in the best way possible.
You don’t want your customers to be greeted by a robotic and monotonous voice that seems it is dragging the message. Instead, deliver it in a warm and personalized manner.
While setting your business voicemail greeting, give the right amount of consideration to the language and tone.
Be considerate. By considerate, we mean to consider the profile of the person who will be listening to the voicemail message.
Tailor the voicemail greeting precisely, so that it is not too straightforward or not too less informative while conveying your message.
You have to identify your customer base very carefully. For example; if your clientele comes from young startups, having a casual tone will not be such a bad idea. If they are Wall Street executives, a formal tone will make a better impact on them.
Always be friendly and courteous while you are delivering your voicemail greeting message to the callers via your business voicemail greeting.
Keep your business voicemail greetings up-to-date
Once you have a voicemail greeting script that is up to your company standards, get it recorded.
Now test your business voicemail greetings. Allow your co-workers, peers, and friends to make calls to your support numbers and ask for their feedback on the tone and impact of your voicemails.
The most honest message comes from your customer base because they can guide you to the most crucial point they would like to listen to while greeted by your opening message. If they give you feedback, accept it gracefully.
Every significant change you bring to your business, change your professional voicemail greeting to share the information.
Keep your voicemail greeting short and simple
A very critical point that we would like you to learn is that even though your voicemails greetings are meant to be informative, clear and to-the-point, do not exceed the general time limit and try to keep it as short as possible.
The attention span of your callers is small. Many of the customers may cut the call as soon as they reach your voicemail greeting.
So, don’t waste their time and target a maximum of 10 seconds time for your professional voicemail greeting.
Make sure your voicemail greeting is audible
Your voicemail must be recorded by someone whose baritone matches your company’s image and line of work.
Your recorded message must be comfortably audible and must sound firm and welcoming for your callers.
Moreover, remember to ask your recording artist to keep smiling while recording your professional voicemail greeting as it makes an authentic impact on your messages.
These elements are meant to be delivered to the callers while they reach your business voicemail message:
Company Name (and tagline in some cases).
Your working hours (if that’s the reason you can’t pick up the call).
An explanation for your unavailability.
Invitation to leave a message, asking for their name and contact number
Provide them with alternative options to reach you like website support, FAQs, or email support.
Don’t forget to thank them.
Return all the calls.
The last point mentioned here is a crucial one for ultimate business success. If you can follow-up on your voicemails, you will develop better goodwill amongst your customers and prospects.
“Your professional voicemail greeting message matters.”
Scenarios where customers get directed to voicemail
1. When the executive is busy on another call.2. When the executive is not able to pick up the call.3. When the executive cuts the call.It is important to implement a professional voicemail greeting for each of these scenarios.So, let’s see how to create your professional voicemail greetings so that you never lose on your customers and prospects Australia Phone Numbers whenever your sales team is out of office, on vacation, or busy with other tasks, etc.Basically, you need to set your voicemail greetings in such a manner that it delivers your message professionally!
Why are voicemail greetings important for your business?

When you call the customer support number of any business you are greeted an IVR (Interactive Voice Response) where you have to choose the department. For example;Press 1 for SalesPress 2 for MarketingPress 3 for SupportAlthough, IVR is not a compulsion for every business. Many businesses have direct lines, and customers can be directed to voicemail. But a few seconds of greetings before voicemail can be really helpful to your business. Professional voicemail greetings ca used for cross-selling your products and services and also divert your customers to your app and website.You can also use realistic AI voices to power
Every single call is a lead for you, so either there’s an opportunity to leave a great impression or an opportunity to sell something.
Your business voicemail greeting should pass on the right message.
Be apologetic about not receiving the customer call.
Voicemails create a visual image of your business in the customer’s mind, so you will need to put a message that represents your business in the best way possible.
You don’t want your customers to be greeted by a robotic and monotonous voice that seems it is dragging the message. Instead, deliver it in a warm and personalized manner.
While setting your business voicemail greeting, give the right amount of consideration to the language and tone.
Be considerate. By considerate, we mean to consider the profile of the person who will be listening to the voicemail message.
Tailor the voicemail greeting precisely, so that it is not too straightforward or not too less informative while conveying your message.
You have to identify your customer base very carefully. For example; if your clientele comes from young startups, having a casual tone will not be such a bad idea. If they are Wall Street executives, a formal tone will make a better impact on them.
Always be friendly and courteous while you are delivering your voicemail greeting message to the callers via your business voicemail greeting.
Keep your business voicemail greetings up-to-date
Once you have a voicemail greeting script that is up to your company standards, get it recorded.
Now test your business voicemail greetings. Allow your co-workers, peers, and friends to make calls to your support numbers and ask for their feedback on the tone and impact of your voicemails.
The most honest message comes from your customer base because they can guide you to the most crucial point they would like to listen to while greeted by your opening message. If they give you feedback, accept it gracefully.
Every significant change you bring to your business, change your professional voicemail greeting to share the information.
Keep your voicemail greeting short and simple
A very critical point that we would like you to learn is that even though your voicemails greetings are meant to be informative, clear and to-the-point, do not exceed the general time limit and try to keep it as short as possible.
The attention span of your callers is small. Many of the customers may cut the call as soon as they reach your voicemail greeting.
So, don’t waste their time and target a maximum of 10 seconds time for your professional voicemail greeting.
Make sure your voicemail greeting is audible
Your voicemail must be recorded by someone whose baritone matches your company’s image and line of work.
Your recorded message must be comfortably audible and must sound firm and welcoming for your callers.
Moreover, remember to ask your recording artist to keep smiling while recording your professional voicemail greeting as it makes an authentic impact on your messages.
These elements are meant to be delivered to the callers while they reach your business voicemail message:
Company Name (and tagline in some cases).
Your working hours (if that’s the reason you can’t pick up the call).
An explanation for your unavailability.
Invitation to leave a message, asking for their name and contact number
Provide them with alternative options to reach you like website support, FAQs, or email support.
Don’t forget to thank them.
Return all the calls.
The last point mentioned here is a crucial one for ultimate business success. If you can follow-up on your voicemails, you will develop better goodwill amongst your customers and prospects.