don’t have to divide their attention, says @joderama via @cmicontent.Share on XBetween these extremes lie two hybrid models – prerecorded with active or passive participation and livestream with passive participation.Prerecorded – active and/or passive participation: Record your presentation in advance and let viewers weigh in with their thoughts, questions, and ideas using conferencing tools, chat windows, social media platforms, or other means. These feedback mechanisms can be leveraged in an on-demand setting (such as posting comments in a chat window for your presenter to address after the video airs) or as part of a larger live event (e.
g., by adding a live question-and-answer session immediately switzerland girls whatsapp number after the recorded video is presented). Well-suited for: virtual events, conversation forums, trade shows/exhibitions, brand awareness/engagement content, online education, product demos, lead generationLess suitable for: thought leadership, certain crisis communication, and situations where the audience might expect immediate answers to their questions and commentsLivestreaming – passive participation: Using those same tools and platform options, enable your audience to conduct side conversations during a live broadcast without disrupting the flow of the main presentation (e.g.
, the way e-sports events let fans comment on the action in real time without directly impacting the gameplay).This is a common technique used on social media platforms like Instagram. For example, your brand might post a cocktail-mixing tutorial video story, ask viewers to submit ideas for recipe tweaks or new cocktails, and incorporate their suggestions in subsequent stories.Well-suited for: webinars and other virtual events, social media, brand awareness/engagement, loyalty/retention effortsLess suitable for: sales enablement, lead generation, product demos, detail-rich or complex discussionsRegardless of whether viewers can contribute to the conversation in real time, you can still monitor the conversation, send follow-up messages in response to questions, and leverage that engagement into additional videos and other content conversations.
Use a moderator in #livestreams so presenters
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