You wanted that client that would fight for that

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You wanted that client that would fight for that

Post by nishat@264 »

Yes. I can't tell you how many times I've been in a meeting and you get that kind of middle manager person who at first went along with it. Right? Then you're in the meeting with the CMO or whatever it is, right? So the director marketing. Okay. Got a reminder in meeting with the CMO, the CMO doesn't like it so much.

Then the director of marketing is going back on the matter like it either it's like, What are you talking about?

Carlos Cantu: We were talking about.

Daniel Burstein: Last week during my trip, you know, So cyprus whatsapp resource that's I love how like the CEO we're going to those disagreements, but you say, hey, we're let's try this, let's go for it. You know, let's let's not back down. Let's at least give it a chance. I love that. I think that's what we all need to do for our team.

So bravo, Carlos.

Carlos Cantu: And, you know, like because they spent a lot of time pitching ideas. Marketers. Yeah. Yeah. Thoughts. But I want to I need to be honest to myself, probably in the agency and the creative director thinks I'm not a good client. I don't know. Maybe they think they are. He's so tough and I and it's only me thinking that I'm a good client and maybe it's okay.

It's like when you became become a parent and you end up doing what you always promised yourself that you were never going to do in your kid. Like, Hey, when I'm when I'm a dad, I will never do this. And then you end up doing that. Maybe, maybe it's holding. But yeah, but at least I, I doing that I make an effort to, to be a good player through a good marketer.
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