Blockchain is not only mentioned as the means to regain trust and resilience in global supply chains. It is also now being used more quickly and widely. I expect, with all the experiences of the past year, that this will also be the most important blockchain trend in 2021.
The best-known example of this is Tradelens, which was started by container carrier Maersk and IBM. The blockchain platform ensures an optimal exchange of data and transparency. Previously, for example, data about a shipment that was shipped from Singapore to Rotterdam had to be sent by e-mail, fax and courier. A signature from 21 parties was needed to unload it. All that administration, which sometimes took days, is now done in 1 mouse click. This saves an incredible amount of time and money.
Through a beautiful collaboration with other technologies, such as the Internet of Things , it is possible to track in real time (pdf) where shipments are located. Handy, if you as a country want to brazil telegram data 30 million know where the important shipment with medical face masks is. Or if you as a consumer want to know what the supply chain of your food and drinks looks like. IDC expects that next year 30% of all producers worldwide will make their chain transparent with blockchain technology, which will eliminate 35% of transaction costs.
It’s not just trust and transparency that blockchain can use to strengthen supply chains. Around 100 million empty containers are transported across the ocean each year, resulting in 280 million tons of CO2 emissions. Companies like Cubex are using blockchain to fill these containers much more efficiently, saving money and reducing their impact on the environment.
Trend 2. The government crypto
Various governments worldwide have provided financial support to citizens and businesses over the past year to help them get through the crisis. In the Netherlands, this is all done digitally, from application to payment. In the United States, 100 million paper checks were sent by mail, with all the associated risks of fraud and abuse. The American government can ' only ' print and distribute 8 million paper checks per week. According to the OECD, the stimulus packages in many other countries are unfortunately also arriving too late.