Top 10 Search Engines

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Top 10 Search Engines

Post by ahbappy250 »

Often in SEO the focus is only on Google. "How do I improve my ranking in Google SERPs?" or "How can I get more rich snippets on Google?"

Sure, Google is one of the most used search engines, but it is certainly not the only one . Different search engines cater to different audiences and have their own pros and cons, so when you optimize your website you need to consider the possible alternatives so as not to lose a significant share of a given market.

In this article, you will find a complete free russian number for whatsapp indiap list of the most popular search engines for performing Internet searches, their pros and cons, and find out if Google is really the most used.

What are the most used search engines today?
We compiled a list of the top ten search engines in widespread use today . Then we used our .Trends tool to find out how popular they really are. The final list is organized by share of total search engine visits collected in the United States in September 2021.

Here is the result:

It’s probably no surprise that Google and Amazon are at the top of the list. Yahoo! and Bing have also earned a spot in the top five search engines, where we find names that we all easily recognize in the world of the Internet.

DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, Baidu, and Yandex ranked lower, but made our list of the best Internet search engines for important reasons.

DuckDuckGo prioritizes user privacy , Ecosia is a charitable search engine , and Baidu has the most users from a single country (China).


We'll delve into the pros and cons of each search engine later.

Taking it a step further, and looking at the US Market Growth Quadrant on .Trends' Market Explorer , you can see that search engines fall into four different categories:

Google and Amazon are considered "Established Players", which is obvious when you look at how high they rank in the visit share table. and Baidu are considered "Disruptive Players" and have grown at the fastest pace over the past 6 months. Meanwhile, "Niche Players" like Ecosia are just starting to define their position, so it's unclear what will happen to them.
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