The Importance of a Why Statement

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The Importance of a Why Statement

Post by Shakhawat »

We’re all in search of success. We work in order to make something of ourselves; to provide for ourselves and our families, with the ultimate goal of ending up somewhere greater than where we started. But how do we get there? What makes a business special enough to rise to the top?

The answer lies not in what we do (the products we offer) or how we do it (delivering high-quality customer service), but it's why we do it. Understanding the why behind what you do is the secret to success.

Which is why it's vital to your business to take the time to figure out band database Today we're going to explain the importance behind a why statement and how you can develop one for your business.

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Start With Why: How to Inspire Action
First and foremost, what does starting with why even mean? Sinek explains to us a concept he developed called the “Golden Circle.” The golden circle has three layers:

Why - This is the core belief of the business

How - This is how the business fulfills that core belief

What - This is what the company does to fulfill that core belief.

According to Sinek, “Every single leader or organization knows what they do. Some know how they do it, have it be your differentiating value proposition or what have you. But very few know why they do what they do.”

To determine your why, ask yourself:

What is the business’s purpose?

What is the cause we’re working toward?

What is our core belief?

Why do I get out of bed in the morning?

...and why should anyone care?

The Importance of a Why Statement
Your business should be driven by a cause or a belief - something bigger than the business itself. For New Breed, we’re in the process of becoming much more niche in our services. That being said, many of the companies we are targeting are concerned less with what we do or even how we do it, and rather want to know why we do it and why they should opt in for our services. Why should they care about what we do?

Right there is why you need to create a “Why Statement” for your business. As Sinek states, “people don’t buy what you do, but why you do it. The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.”

By understanding your "why", you will not only attract and close deals with people who are driven by the same cause or belief, the entire way your business operates will become much more streamlined and efficient.
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