Some people use machine translation tools, such as Google Translate, to directly translate keywords from English into other languages.
But these tools are still not good enough. That's why a native translator is an important part of multilingual SEO.
It's important to know the specific keywords and language your ideal customers are using. Really important.
We'll talk about this later, but you'll use this information when translating your text and writing title tags and meta descriptions.
So, don't rely on machine translation tools. They make mistakes that can harm your multilingual SEO and keyword research efforts.
Step 3: Decide on your URL structure
For a multilingual website, you will need to use cambodia phone number database dedicated URLs for each language and country version.
This will help Google index your site correctly, i.e. store it in its huge database of web pages so it can serve it to users searching in certain languages.
There are several options to choose from when deciding on your URL structure. Each option has its pros and cons.
Separate domains
Using separate domains or ccTLDs (country code top-level domains) is one of the most popular options.
Users are usually familiar with their country's top-level domain, so when they land on your site, they'll feel like they're in the right place.
For this option, you will need to purchase and manage multiple domains. This requires a large investment in IT infrastructure.
From an SEO perspective, you will need to build links to each domain individually. This can be time-consuming.
But having separate domains gives you the option to use localized hosting, which could improve your page load times.
Using subfolders is also a very popular option for multi-language websites. With subfolders, all of your content will be within a single domain.
Setting up different subfolders is relatively easy.
If you want to create a new language version of your site, create a new subfolder for that language and start creating individual pages in it.
From an IT perspective, this is easier than deploying subfolders and pages to a completely different hosting setup.
That said, you can't use localized hosting with this option.
Subdomains are another option to consider.
The cons of using subdomains are similar to those of ccTLDs.
They are complicated to set up and can be a technical challenge to maintain.
Subdomains are another option to consider.
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