etitor, now it goes much further. A small part of the consumers who talk about their experiences with products and companies via the internet influences a large part of the consumers who see those experiences again. And then we have not even mentioned a new institutionalized order: the comparison and review sites. A great many consumers resort to these sites in the orientation process for a purchase.
How many companies do not claim that 'putting the customer first' is strategically high on their agenda. The reality today is that the customer just as easily puts the company first via social media. The customer also takes initiatives to strengthen or weaken his relationship with the brand or company. The relationship between customer and company is built up in a subtle interplay.
Social media are the arena in which all this takes place, a public place. Visible to everyone. In his actions, the posting consumer also takes others along in his wake. At the moment, this concerns a small percentage of active people. The number of consumers who post a negative message on the internet is only two to five percent. Depending on the sector. This was recently shown by the Customer Centric DNA research by TNS NIPO and BearingPoint. The research concerned posts about the (more than) one hundred most important players in eleven sectors.
An important observation is that a negative post nigeria phone data still often originates from a bad experience via a traditional channel. Via the telephone or in the store, for example. Good webcare is important, that is beyond dispute, but if the causes of the complaints are not addressed, webcare is nothing more than treating the symptoms .
From mass marketing to individualization of the customer relationship
Companies understand that the relationship must be a two-way street. The era of mass marketing is over. The ultimate goal of many companies is to develop a one-on-one relationship with the customer, preferably a partnership. An answer to the trend of ever-increasing individualization. However, this is not always successful.
In the meantime, we have to make do with ever-increasing customer segmentations. Traditional market research techniques have adapted to the new environment of what we now call big data . Big data analysis software makes it possible to trace segments of consumers with specific behaviors that a company can then respond to. Often with small steps, but steps forward.