Domain - most important information

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Domain - most important information

Post by olivia25 »

A domain can be defined as a component of a DNS address, which is used for simple naming of Internet services. It is a unique address, because two identical addresses cannot function at the same time.

Among domains, one can divide them into those belonging to national and functional addresses. This is an inseparable division, but it organizes the discussed topic:

Functional (global) domains – indicate the subject matter or geographic scope of the page associated with them. Examples of domains defining the subject matter:
– points to information sites

– indicates commercial companies

– indicates organizations and institutions

– indicates a topic related to telephony

– refers to topics related to leisure and travel.

Examples of addresses that define a geographic scope include:
– defines European domains

– specifies the Asian domain

It is the person buying the domain who decides what extension to choose – so it is not a rule that a specific type of business or organization will have this or vietnam b2b leads that extension. Nevertheless, when buying a domain, it is worth keeping this division in mind, because it is a kind of order that makes it easier to function on the Internet.

It happens that companies buy several domains of a specific address, but with different endings - which from a marketing perspective is often a very good move. It allows for limiting the possibilities of potential competition.

There are also domains that not everyone can register. A good example would be the .gov extension, reserved for government entities.

Country domains – always contain two letters and are assigned to specific countries. Examples of these domains are:
– Canada

– Poland

– New Zealand

– Hungary

- North Korea

– South Korea

Among domains, we can also distinguish subdomains – for a given domain, it is possible to create many subdomains. Thanks to the existence of subdomains in one domain, several services can be created.

Main Features and Usage of Domains
Maciej Dutko in his book "Internet Domains" provides criteria that a valuable domain should contain. He lists the following elements:


It should not be too long. As you know, Internet users remember short addresses more easily and quickly. In a simple and concise address, mistakes are made less often when entering the name than in complex addresses. Many domains with very short names are already taken or very expensive to buy. However, it is not only about the length itself, but also about whether a given name is quickly remembered and easy to pronounce.

The language used by the domain should be understandable to the group it is aimed at. On the Internet, when entering a domain address (and not only), every letter and every punctuation mark is important. Therefore, you cannot allow a situation in which Internet users will end up on the competition or other sites through an incorrectly entered address. If a given person cannot remember and easily enter a specific name, they will quickly become discouraged. The Internet has accustomed people to the fact that we receive information quickly - no one wants to verify the level of their patience in such a place.

The website address should be written in lower case. Most servers usually handle both upper and lower case names, but there is a small percentage of possibilities for interpreting the entered form differently. It would also be a big inconvenience and a waste of time for Internet users to wonder whether they should enter a specific name in upper or lower case.

It is not advisable to include diacritical marks in the address - it is possible to use characters with "tails" such as "ą", "ę", "ó", but this may not be entirely beneficial. Domains with these characters are not common and a person who does not have a specific type of alphabet installed on their computer may encounter a problem in reaching a specific page.

The domain extension is an important issue and should be selected to suit the specifics of the business. If possible, it should be short and easy to remember. Choosing a top-level domain will be assessed in terms of professionalism, while choosing a free domain may not make a positive first impression - if only because it will most often be a relatively long name and not necessarily easy to remember.

Intuitive name creation - when defining a domain name, it is worth considering the fact that many Internet users try to guess website addresses, often bypassing the help of a search engine. Common, or even relatively frequently occurring names can be difficult to reserve - so intuitiveness in this matter is not an easy task.

A big plus is having a keyword in the domain name that refers to the specific activity of the site. It will be much easier, because of this keyword, to find a specific page in the search engine.
What is a domain transfer?
The term "domain transfer" refers to the transfer of the entire domain service to a new service provider. To perform the operation, you must ask the previous company that maintained the domain for a so-called transfer code. The domain should be unlocked for transfer. The rest of the procedures are in the hands of the future domain service provider.
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