Risk diversification:
Since Cathay Taiwan Leaders 50 stock selection uses the adjusted market capitalization weighting method, and the number of fund constituent stocks is smaller than that of 0050, a single stock cannot account for more than 30%, so the impact of a single stock on the fund's performance can be effectively reduced.
Selected stocks:
Cathay Pacific Taiwan Leaders 50's stock selection criteria are croatia whatsapp number data 5 million relatively strict. Only stocks that meet financial and market evaluation, low-carbon transformation standards and other indicators will be included in the fund's constituent stocks. Therefore, the stocks held by the fund are relatively selected.
Cathay Taiwan Leader 50 Cons :

Restrictions on stock screening:
Strict stock selection standards also result in low market agility, making it less able to timely include emerging industry companies with better performance, or companies that suddenly break out.
Relative concentration:
Cathay Taiwan Leaders 50 Fund has fewer constituent stocks than 0050, so the fund's risk diversification is lower than 0050. Investors need to pay attention to the relative concentration of risks.