Online marketing has become increasingly important in business-to-business companies, as the online channel has grown to such an extent that it is the main channel for many businesses . Although digitalization should be a mandatory practice in all companies in this field, including marketing, there are business models that require B2B online marketing. In this article, we will review some of the main ones.
Table of Contents
What is B2B online marketing?
Business models that require B2B online marketing
Technology or technology sector
Industry or industrial sector
Service sector
Real estate sector
Financial sector
What is B2B online marketing?
When we talk about B2B online marketing or marketing for B2B companies , we are talking about the set of marketing strategies, techniques and tools that are carried out within digital channels. They are aimed at companies that sell products or provide services to other companies. This means, companies that do not sell to direct consumers, but to other organizations.
In this sense, B2B online marketing takes into account the differential characteristics of the target audience compared to the B2C consumer. For example, the target audience is usually much more informed and specialized because they are professionally dedicated to aspects related to the products or services offered. The purchasing processes are also substantially longer.
The objectives of B2B digital marketing are based on the acquisition, conversion and loyalty of clients for B2B businesses . Actions such as improving search engine positioning, online advertising or content marketing are carried out to achieve, among others, improving online reputation, branding, obtaining more leads...
After this initial explanation, let's look at the business models that require B2B online marketing:
Business models that require B2B online marketing
Technology or technology sector
Companies that produce or distribute technology operate in a market that has a very specific public , with specific needs and requirements and who possess a high level of knowledge. The commercial strategy in this sense is based on establishing trust with potential clients.
The target audiences of the technology sector frequently use digital channels . B2B online marketing allows you to reach and impact these audiences. In this way, you can foster trust and credibility in the product, as well as attract new customers. For example, by providing the user with valuable information that helps them advance through the purchasing process through a content marketing strategy. Also, companies focused on the technology and software development sector frequently use social networks for professional exchange . This is the case of LinkedIn.
In addition, technology companies must communicate the idea of technological avant-garde on their online channels . Having a well-developed website that is easy to navigate, optimized, fast and adapted for mobile devices has a great impact on companies in this sector.
Industry or industrial sector
Secondly, another business model that can benefit from B2B marketing is the industry or industrial sector. Strategies revolve primarily around suppliers, manufacturers and industrial buyers. It is a sector that is associated with large orders and customer relationships that tend to be long-term.
As with the technology sector, in the industrial sector we must foster credibility and trust. In addition, it is a highly competitive sector . B2B online marketing helps companies to be more visible in the digital environment, and therefore in the market. It also greatly facilitates the acquisition of new potential clients through actions such as advertising on LinkedIn Ads, which allows for very specific segmentation.
Due to the specialization of industrial products, communication requires more complex preparation. In addition, research is greater in the industrial sector than in the consumer sector. For this reason, online marketing must be carried out by professionals who are experts in B2B business.
Service sector
In the service sector, the aim of B2B online marketing is to help promote and sell these intangible assets in the digital environment. To do this, it is essential to generate consumer trust again. Especially in this sector, online reputation and branding are absolutely crucial.
A company's image in the online environment will largely determine its success . B2B digital marketing has B2B online marketing tools for brand monitoring to find out what users and customers think of the service. Based on this, techniques and processes are developed that are aimed at creating an environment of brand reliability.
Of course, it also helps to improve the visibility of the business and the value proposition through SEO, SEM, website optimization actions... All of this leads to an increase in the number of customers.
Real estate sector
Over time, the way companies search for, buy and rent properties has changed. Among the most notable changes, we find the search for references and experiences of other users or the search for precise and detailed information about the characteristics of the properties and the area of influence.
The Internet and real estate portal applications have become the main channels in this sector . In this scenario, companies that make up the real estate sector require B2B online marketing.
The public in this sector performs numerous searches on the Internet and is demanding a lot of information . In this sense, it is vitally important to be more visible in order to obtain more clients. This is done through organic positioning strategies together with the development of a content strategy. Also, the development of other actions such as optimizing the website or appearing in search engines and networks through paid channels, just to name a few examples.
Finally, this is also a sector in which reviews and opinions are indispensable. That is why the inclusion of online reputation and branding strategies is also vitally important .
Financial sector
Finally, the financial sector has undergone significant changes in recent years. There are fewer and fewer branches and physical spaces. This is because, currently, most of the activity in the financial sector, including hiring and management, is carried out through digital channels .
Furthermore, the inclusion of new players in the market and globalisation make this an even more competitive sector . This, together with the fact that the online channel is the main one, makes the inclusion of B2B online marketing strategies in this sector essential.
Whether you are a lending company, robo-advisor, private bank or investment firm, you will benefit greatly from including these strategies. Generating greater trust, increasing your customer base, strengthening your online presence, improving your conversion rate or attracting new types of audiences are some of the objectives that can be achieved.
5 business models that require b2b online marketing
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