What is this podcast they call it?
Podcast means a serial digital media file that can be automatically downloaded to portable devices via the internet. Simply put; we can say audio broadcast files/recordings that we can download to our devices in this way. For millions of people who have many things they want to say but cannot spare the budget for it, this way of spreading messages is a great chance. This is one of the most important points that makes Podcasting a trend.
According to research confirmed at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 2018, there are more than 550,000 podcasts with over 18.5 million episodes produced in more than 100 languages. The top 5 categories of the audience include podcasts covering topics such as Business, Fun & Funny, Health, Agenda & Politics and Culture & Life. 52% of these users are male and 48% are female listeners. Of course, the largest share of these users in the device distribution is 54% iOS; 43% comes from Android and 3% from other devices. At the same time, there were less than 6000 results for the Podcasting search made on Google in 2004, but business owner database when we do this search now, we come across approximately 23,500,000 results, and when this search is simplified to podcast, this figure has increased to 689,000,000. Naturally, this is actually evidence that people's interest in new media is increasing.

At the same time, Apple Computer founder Steve Jobs said in the past that Podcasts are "the most exciting thing that happened on the radio." Therefore, Podcasting, which we also agree with this idea, is a technology that is currently and will increasingly become a big hit in the coming years. As Alex Blumberg, founder of Gimlet Media, said, "We are at the very beginning of the question of how to provide an opportunity for a new change." Therefore, instead of looking at the new technology from a distance, if we examine it in detail and play with it, we can actually bring the distant closer and reap its fruits. Podcasts, which have become a platform for sharing information for education, promotion or entertainment purposes today, have taken their place at the top as a very important platform used by students and teachers for distance education.
Because these platforms that we have adapted to as required by our age are now also racing against time. Podcasting, a useful application designed for people who spend most of their time in front of the screen or in the field, is perfect for those who cannot read written content or do not have time for it. This new media formation that eliminates the concept of time and space and allows the sharing of this information is one of the best aspects of the digital world. For this reason, we should not throw podcasts, which we can achieve very effective results when used, aside.
Create Your Own Podcast!
Yes, it is one of the important questions that comes to the minds of many of us, but I would like to briefly tell you the answer to how to do it:
Your first job should be to get a microphone
Voice quality is a situation that varies depending on the microphone you use. Therefore, you can put aside questions like "my voice is so bad, what if the audience doesn't like my voice" if you are not going to sing.
Save and Load
Prepare your voice recording on Audacity, which I can recommend as a free and very successful platform with software suitable for all operating systems you use (such as Windows, Linux, MAC OS X) . Then, you should upload the file you recorded to a web server.
Types of Podcasts
Of course, podcast files contain media content. We can also separate these files by type. For example; Audio Podcast, Video Podcast, Podcast Novels and Live Podcast.