User experience design is a profession of the future for people who are creative, enjoy contact with people and are interested in technology. UX Designer deals with user experience design. That is, ensuring that the digital products created, such as games, websites or web applications, are user-friendly, but also that their operation is intuitive. Every product entering the market must meet the needs of users. User experience designer is a profession of the future for people who are creative, enjoy contact with people and are interested in technology. UX Designer use the user-centered design method to achieve their goals. This method focuses on asking questions about the user, their emotions, goals and tasks. This information allows designers to make decisions regarding the development of the product. Due to the large development of this industry, the market demand for User Experience Designer is huge and it is a profession of the future.
UX Design
UX Design
UX Designer Responsibilities:
Interaction design (developing how the application will work).
Designing customer experiences from scratch.
Increased customer satisfaction with the product.
Research and testing of solutions with users (collecting inspiration, verification).
What characterizes a good UX Designer?
Aesthetic sense.
Analytical thinking.
Ability to cooperate.
The ability to listen.
What is the scope of ux design
In 2004, leading UX expert Peter Boersma created a graphical answer to this pressing question in the form of the Model T.
User Experience
User Experience
Computer Science
UX Design has little to do with programming, of course a programmer can be a UX Designer. A UX Designer must be aware of technological limitations and apply the best solutions within a given project. The basic limitation of a UX designer is software. We will have different technological possibilities when designing an application paytm database for a smartphone, for a regular mobile phone and completely different in the case of tablets and desktops. The main role here is played by the operating system for which a given product is aimed. UX is a field that combines all these aspects in order to improve the connection between the user and the machine.

Information Architecture
Information Architecture surrounds us everywhere and each of us has had contact with it - at school, at university, at work and even at home. It is a field that focuses on effective communication between a product and the user. It is a way of presenting information in a way that is easy and understandable to the recipient. The product is usually a website or a mobile application. The ability to design Information Architecture is one of the basic responsibilities of a UX Designer.
There are three aspects to information architecture:
Context - goals of the architecture project.
Information - classification and structuring of information.
Recipient - who is our recipient, what are their needs, how do they receive and interpret information.
Interaction Design
This is the process of communication between the application and its user. This is a very important element from the UX perspective. Its purpose is to invite the user to interact in an easy and clear way. Interactive (clickable) elements should be intuitive and eye-catching. The intuitiveness of a button is that when we see a button with the word start, we guess what it can be used for. The user experience designer takes care of the proper placement of the interactive elements.
When designing interactions, there are 5 most important elements to consider:
visibility – recognition,
feedback - the application's reaction to user behavior,
Information Design
Information should be conveyed in a legible way, a good way to convey information is through graphics or charts - people don't like reading walls of text. The design of information depends on who our potential reader is. A large role in conveying information is played by typography and its size, i.e. verbal and visual communication, i.e. graphic elements. In order for the information we convey to reach a larger number of recipients, both of these elements should be used at the same time. For UX, a well-designed message is very important.
According to the author of “Information Architecture for the World Wide Web” – the father of information architecture studies – Peter Morville, User experience is multidimensional and to provide a meaningful and valuable user experience, information must be:
Useful - content should be original and meet needs.
Usable - The website must be easy to use.
Desirable – Image, identity, branding, and other design elements are used to evoke emotion and recognition.
Findable – Content must be localizable on and off your website.
Credible - The company and its products must be credible.
Accessibility- also available for people with disabilities.