March 25, 2021 0:00
Instructions for marketers: how to make Zen and Pulse generate cheap leads
Svetlana Kovaleva
Expert Content Specialist
Prerequisites for the emergence of whatsapp number list recommendation systems Zen and Pulse
How to Build a Content Strategy and Avoid the Fight for Commercial Traffic

Stages of needs formation
How can Zen and Pulse help?
This article will be useful for marketers or entrepreneurs who work in overheated niches, but are not ready to compete on price.
People who already know what they want and are ready to buy it are the desired goal of an entrepreneur, because all that remains is to tempt the client with a profitable offer. The competition for such leads is fierce, which increases the cost of conversion. And the benefit of a purchase is not always obvious, sometimes it still needs to be “chewed” and proven.
There is a way out - take a cold audience that is in the early stages of the customer journey, warm it up and lead it to a purchase. Recommender systems such as Yandex.Zen or Pulse from Group can help with this.
Read on to learn more about the prerequisites for the emergence of recommender systems and how to use them to your advantage.
Prerequisites for the emergence of recommendation systems Zen and Pulse
Recommender systems are platforms that try to guess what content (articles, photos, videos, etc.) will be interesting to the audience. The “guessing” algorithm is based on user behavior on the network and Big Data technology:
what he indicated in his profile;
what sites did you visit;
what information were you looking for;
what materials you read and how you reacted to them;
what I signed up for.
Why Recommender Systems Came and Took Off.
Traffic owners need to make money
Search and ad networks have limited advertising space. To increase monetization, it was necessary to create new advertising platforms.
Neural networks have learned to determine the interests of the audience
The platform reads users' cookies and learns a huge amount of data: who they are, where they are from, what they searched for and bought, what they are interested in. Big Data analysis allows making fairly accurate predictions based on interests.
The battle for commercial traffic in search and networks has intensified
The auction system in contextual and targeted advertising is overheated, the price per click reaches $100.
People have started consuming more content
Research shows that a city dweller on average "digests" 11 GB of information per day. That's like reading 193 newspapers! Therefore, there is a need for platforms where this content can be posted and recommended.
Sales dropped with one touch
People click, spend the advertising budget, but do not buy. Sales "head-on" without preliminary warming up do not work. Trust in little-known advertisers has disappeared.
Marketers realized that to attract traffic, you can create content and build communication with the audience.
How to Build a Content Strategy and Avoid the Fight for Commercial Traffic
I will answer using the example of a fitness center.
The product is a weight loss program that includes:
Gym classes with a personal trainer.
Nutrition program.
Business goal: sell an annual membership.
In contextual advertising for the query "buy an annual membership to a fitness center in Moscow", the entrepreneur will waste a multi-million dollar budget and it is not a fact that he will receive enough applications to recoup the costs - there is fierce competition there.
He understands this and wants to save money. Therefore, he decides to warm up a cold audience with expert content. How to do this?
To begin with, we will describe a typical client for our product. How to study your audience - read in the article .
Then we will analyze the path she will take before making a decision and create a strategy for how to direct her in the direction we need at each stage.
Stages of needs formation
1. From latent need to awareness
When Natalia is at the stage of latent need, she does not plan to lose weight at all. Yes, she is overweight, and she is happy with it. We influence her with content, for example, we write an article "Vera Brezhneva parades in a bathing suit 2 months after giving birth". Or we interview a doctor who talks about how excess weight affects health. And Natalia decides "that's it, I'm losing weight from Monday!"
2. From awareness of needs to choice
At this stage, Natalia starts looking for ways to lose weight: drink green coffee, go on a diet or go to a fitness center? Our task is to convince her to buy an annual membership to a fitness center with massage.
3. From selection to purchase
Then Natalya starts choosing a fitness center in Yandex search, where she will be bombarded with a bunch of competitors' advertising offers.
In order not to get into this "bloody mess" with bare hands, we needed a content strategy.
We caught Natalya in our sales funnel at the early stages of forming a need, and led her by the hand to the "Brand Advocate" stage. This turned out to be cheaper than fighting competitors in Yandex.Direct without preliminary "preparation".