As the Decision Maker

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[email protected]
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As the Decision Maker

Post by [email protected] »

An influencer can be anyone who has an influence on the opinion decision maker.
There’s a niche marketing niche for influencers: Influencer Marketing. If you’re a marketer and your product or service is recommended by a celebrity, your sales can skyrocket.
Who influences your audience? Who influences your potential new audiences? Identifying influencers within an audience can help you determine your strategy for engaging with that audience. Is there lithuania phone number library an opportunity to pay an influencer to promote your brand? Are there certain celebrities who would resonate with your audience in an advertising campaign? Getting answers to these questions will help you improve the performance of your campaigns by knowing who to partner with and how to connect with your audience.

Word states, decision makers are the ones who have the final say on product/service purchases.

9. Creating a Persona
s – creating target personas.

Your goal is to create a fictional persona that embodies the characteristics of your target audience.


Think of it like creating a game character with a backstory. You first go through the basics like name, age, gender, and then move on to the more complex elements. You try to identify their goals, values, role in the purchasing process, frustrations, hobbies, sources of information, etc.

You can derive most of this by looking at demographics and psychographics. If you have missing data (like pain points, for example), you can go back after doing additional research and updating the features accordingly.
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